Finding out *1984*

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I woke up feeling nauseated I wasn't really sure why though. I ran to the bathroom and vomited. After I was done I brushed my teeth and called my boyfriend Kurt. Phone conversation:
Me:Kurt can you come over please? Kurt:yeah are you okay? Me:I'm sick *end of conversation* *Kurt came over to the house* *he came up to my room and sat on my bed beside me* Kurt:What's wrong? Me:I don't know maybe it's something I ate Kurt:could you be pregnant? *we went to the store to buy a test* *we went back to his house* Kurt:do you want me to go in with you? Me:no it's okay *I went in* *Five minutes later I come out of the bathroom* Kurt:well... Me:we have to wait ten minutes *Ten Minutes later* Kurt:are you ready? Me:yeah I guess so *He looks at it* Kurt:holy crap... Me:what what is it positive? Kurt:yes what are we gonna do? *Kurt's mom comes home* Wendy:Kurt! I'm home!! Me:we have to tell her Kurt:she'll kick me out Me:we have to tell her Kurt!! *we went downstairs to tell her* Kurt:um mom we gotta talk to you Wendy:okay... Kurt:you better sit down for this Wendy:oh my god Valerie's pregnant isn't she? Kurt:well yes Wendy:*she starts to cry* Kurt:are you happy or sad? Wendy:I'm happy!! I can't believe I'm gonna be a grandmother! Kurt:Val we gotta tell your parents. Me:I'm scared Kurt:I'll be there it'll be alright. Wendy:I'll be there too *we go to my house* Me:*takes a few deep breathes* Kurt:*kisses me* it'll be fine *we go inside* Me:mom dad I'm pregnant My mom:I'm gonna be a grandmother!! I'm so happy!!! My dad:Kurt you better be there for her and your baby! Kurt:I will sir.

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