Frances is sick 1986

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At 1:30 this morning Frances woke up coughing. I got up to check on her. *I felt of her forehead* she's burning up! Me:Kurt get up!!! *He gets up* Me:Frances is sick we need to take her to the hospital. *we drive to the hospital and I fill out her forms and now we wait for the doctor* Doctor:Frances Cobain *Me & Kurt & Frances get up* doctor:right this way *we go into a little room* Doctor:now is Frances the baby? Me:yes Doctor:what seems to be the problem? Me:she woke up coughing and she has a fever *the doctor checks her temperature* Doctor:her fever is almost down it's 99.1 right now Kurt:is she gonna be okay? Doctor:yes she'll be fine she just has a cold. I'm going to give her some cough syrup. *he hands Kurt the bottle* now she needs this about every 3 hours two tee spoons. *we leave the doctors office* *later on 6:00 in the morning* Me:Frances time to take your medicine *she runs from me Kurt gets her* Frances you have to take this *she turns her head away* look its good Daddy will take some. Kurt open your mouth. *he opens his mouth I put the medicine in* swallow it *he swallows it* Kurt:see Bean it's not bad *she opens her mouth* *I give her her medicine*

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