August 18th,1984

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One month after I turned 16 I have birth to Frances. Around 9:30 I started having contractions. Me:Kurt wake up Kurt:what Me:I think I'm having the baby soon Kurt:do you need to go to the hospital? Me:yes! *Kurt went to get my mom & dad and we left for the hospital*Kurt:my girlfriends in labor doctor:let's put her in a room *about 6 hours later I was on the last push* *Kurt had passed out by this point* Doctor:...and she's out!! It's a healthy girl! *Kurt woke up* Kurt:is she out? Is she okay? Where is she? Me:Kurt honey she's fine there cleaning her. *after they were done cleaning her they gave her to me* Me:Kurt she's perfect! Kurt:yeah she is! Nurse:do you have a name yet? Kurt:Frances Bean Cobain nurse:aw that's so cute! *my mom,dad,Kim,&Wendy all came in* Kim:how is she? Me:she's fine! My dad:what's her name? Kurt:Frances Bean Cobain My mom:she's perfect! Nurse:it's picture time! Now we need the dad and his family. Wendy,Kurt,Frances& Kim got there picture taken together. Kurt & I were over the moon. Finally she was here! Kurt even feed her the first time he loved it. I love seeing him so happy!

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