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Ash was staring past her, focusing on the poster behind his sister. It wasn't that he didn't want to pay attention to what she was saying but he was trying to figure out just what exactly was in the picture.

"Earth to Ash!" She pushes in front of the print causing him to look back at her. "Did you even listen to a word I said?" Liz pouts slightly, her brows pushing together.

"Sorry, it's just-"Ash points toward the poster. "Have you seen that weird thing, what do you think it is? Looks like a weird combination of a dog and a slime, what is that supposed to even mean? They need to hire someone better to do their mascots design because it's not working out." He takes his drink, creamy caramel mocha, if there was one good thing about these lunches with Liz  it was that he always got a free beverage out of it.

She rolls her eyes. "I'll take that as a no then. As I was saying, there's this new dating app I've been trying out and I thin-"


"Ash let me finish. I think, that maybe yo-"

"I know what you're going to say and I know that you know what my answer is going to be and it's a solid, no."

"If you weren't annoying little brother what would you want to be, huh?" Liz shakes her head, taking a sip of her own drink." I think you should give this app a try. I know that you think you're too cool for this kind of thing but it wouldn't hurt to give it a chance, who knows you might find someone there that catches your attention, possibly even make a friend?"

Ash laughs at that, pushing back his black hair from his face." A friend? Liz why would I want to join a dating app to make a friend?"

"Alright, fine. Maybe you have a point but I still stand by what I said, you should give it a try. It's not going to cost you anything."

"My time."

"Oh, and how exactly are you spending your time exactly?" As if on cue Liz rolls her eyes again." And don't say work because that doesn't count. I mean your spare time."

Ash opens his mouth to answer but finds that he doesn't really have an excuse, sure he has friends and he does hangout with them from time to time but other than the usual hanging out most of his days are just filled with work, riding his motorcycle and sometimes catching up to one of the shows on stream before falling asleep half way through. He wouldn't admit this to her but it does feel lonely at times.

"But why would I even join? You know that I lose my patience with that type of stuff."

"Yes, I know Ash but that's why you have me. I can help you set up everything. Give it a month or two and if you don't like it then you can just delete it from your phone, okay?" She gives him a smile, hoping that he'll say yes and like most times in their life Ash can't help but give in to his sister's demands.

"Fine. One month and then I'll be done with it, got it Liz?"

Liz claps her hands together an excited squeal escaping her lips." Deal! Okay give me your phone so I can download it for you."

Ash grabs the phone from his leather jacket, he's about to hand it out to her but she quickly snatches it from his hands.

"How long is this going to take?"

She hums to herself. "Oh not long. You just have to answer a few questions, set up your photo and then you are good to go! I won't bother you anymore for the day don't worry."

Ash groans already regretting his decision, at least he still had his caramel mocha to get him through the rest of the lunch.

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