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It's been about a week since Ash had joined the app and so far he wasn't that impressed with it. He couldn't wait to tell Liz how right he was and how he had no need for such an app, he was doing fine on his own.

The conversations on CupidsMatch had been short, losing interest quickly and two days had passed since the last time Ash even opened it.

He makes his way inside his one bedroom apartment, setting the take out box on the small table by the window. It had been a busier shift than usual, all he wanted to do was relax for the rest of the night, probably watch something later and pass out on the couch, the usual tradition. 

Ash walks to the kitchen grabbing a plate and a cola from the fridge before settling down for dinner. He scrolls on his phone mindlessly, there's a few messages some are from his aunt Mel, photos of her cat Daisy followed by new recipes ideas for her shop, and others are from the group chat. He quickly types some replies, when a notification pops up at the top.

'Don't forget the event today! – CupidsMatch'

"What?" He frowns, opening the app. "Shit." A speed dating event, he couldn't remember pressing anything but knowing himself he probably glanced it over and pressed yes. He really need to be more careful.

"Fuck it, why not." His not doing anything now other than sinking his teeth into some delicious slice of pizza and there's a possibility that he can annoy someone, seems like the prefect plan.

Ash waits on what he assumes is the 'lobby' a counter going down. He never tried speed dating in real life, he never did much of dating apart from one time with his ex Jess, it lasted a year before they broke it off. It was a mutual break up and they still talked on and off. Ash just didn't have much romantic or sexual interest in anyone really, at first he thought maybe something was wrong with him but it turned out that was just the way he was, talking it over with Jessica made him realize it.

The timer comes to an end and another pop up appears.

'Thank you for taking part in the event! In a moment you will be paired up with your first date for the night! Relax and enjoy yourself. Must important have fun, who knows if you will find your match!

Good luck – CupidsMatch'

Ash rolls his eyes. 'Find your match'. Yeah right.

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