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Something isn't right.

It's then that Theo realizes their mistake, once again, for what feels like the fourth time, they drank the dirty brush water. They gather that they really do need to get some labels for the cups.

They set down the brush, walking over to the sink to spit out the water. Painting in watercolors always seemed to calm them down, put their mind as ease, last night's date hadn't gone that well, awkward was the best word to describe it. The fourth date in a week, they were starting to wonder if it really was them that was the problem, sure they fumbled their words a little bit and sometimes didn't know what to say choosing to stay quiet instead. Theo sighs, their reflection staring back at them, it had been three years since their last serious relationship and words had been spat back and forth as well as whatever insecurities they had only seemed to worsen since that then. They shake their head, pushing those thoughts away, they didn't want to give their ex anymore of their brain space than needed. They needed to move on.

Theo decides to check their phone, no calls, the usual, but they did have a notification from one of the apps, CupidsMatch, they press the notification another window opening up where they are met with a message.

'We would like to invite you for a fun and quick speed dating event! The event will start at Friday at 9 pm – This is a new feature that we are testing and would love to hear your feedback if you choose to participate'

"Speed dating, huh?"

They read the message again, their thumb hovering over the screen ready to press 'No' when they stop, it isn't as if they're going to be doing anything else that day plus this might be just what they need, so before thinking too much and risking the chance of scaring themselves off, they press 'Yes', there's no turning back now.

"This is going to be fun." They tell themselves." It's going to be fine Theodore, you'll see."

Theo stares back at their reflection.

"Yes, it's going to be great." They aren't sure if they quite believe that.

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