Lights | Christian & Curt

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"Augh.. I can barely see in this darkness.." Christian complained, holding onto Curt's shoulder as the latter used his dim flashlight to guide their way back to the camp.

The two had gotten seperated from Den and the other Christian- CircleToons, and Ivan's ghost was nowhere to be found. They assumed he was busy playing around with Circle/Christian, as he was the episode's guest.

That didn't mean they would excuse him from this behaviour, though. Curt knew he'd have to yell at their host once they arrived back.

"How fuckin' reckless.." Curt sighed. He flashed the light at a few trees around them, hoping to find a path. "Do you think we could get Den to stab Ivan again? This is seriously annoying."

"Hell yes," Christian agreed. "When I see him again, I swear! BAM! Steppin' on him with my heels."

Laughing a little, Curt led the other to a rock. "I'll pick you up to give ya the extra height."

Now standing in front of a clearing, Curt took out his phone. Yep, still no Wifi. He wondered if Ivan had even noticed they were gone.

"Well, if we find a path, we'll be set. The only question is if Ivan would be moving away from said path to look for us." Curt explained. "The classic dillema of wondering if we should stray from where we started or go seek the others ourselves."

"Maybe if we scream loud enough they'll hear us." Christian sugged. Curt deadpanned.

"No way, dude. Remember, this is a Slenderman scenario? What if he finds us 'cause you're ripping your vocal cords?"

Christian stopped to think.

"...Christian, no. You are not doing this-"

"C'mon! It'd make for good content!" Christian tried to persuade, standing directly in front of the other with a mischevious grin. "Besides, I bet I could take him in a fight."

"You'll only cause more trouble." Curt sighed.

Christian opened his mouth to argue more, but they heard tapping. Then, there was silence.

Curt looked to the side, alerted with his flashlight. He looked over to the fashion enthusiast, eyes narrowed in irritation, but only getting an amused smirk in return.

"If we die, I'm going to kill you again." Curt spat, eye twitching. He swayed the flashlight around, trying to find their pursuer before he could find them. "S-Shit, wait-"

Feeling something warm sneak down his face, Curt suddenly pushed the flashlight into Christian's hands. He wiped his upperlip, and physically recoiled at the blood. Such gore was something he was used to seeing, but the shake in his arms were not helping his waning confidence.

"Goddamnit..!" Curt murmured. He looked over to his friend, who was now looking behind them with their portable light, keeping himself close to Curt. Somehow, that worried the latter.

If Christian used him as a meatshield, Curt would kill him twice.

"Are you havin' a bloody nose too?" Curt asked. He took the light back, making Christian huff.

"No, but you look like hell with one." Christian remarked. "Is that some Slendy symptom?"

Curt rolled his eyes. "Apparently so. Most creepypastas are flexible when it comes to their abilities, so I'm guessing Ivan made a conscious decision to make it one... With that being said, do you feel anything weird?"

"What's with the questions? We're fine either way." Christian sounded flustered. Maybe he was getting paranoid, Curt thought. "Look, let's just go and find the path-"

"Woah, I don't think you call the shots." Curt stopped the other before he could move. With a snicker, Curt continued with his own plan, "I think we stay here. The monster's gonna be camping here, I reckon. Let's just stick where we can see everything."

Christian paused, taking in the surroundings. Being in a clearing did give them an advantage...

"If you turn out to be the proxy, this'd be such a big brain move." Stepping slightly away from Curt, Christian crossed his arms.

Curt looked the other directly into the eyes, before unexpectedly pointing the light at his face. Christian covered and closed his eyes on instinct, the sudden brightness too much for him.

In the next second, his arms lowered and he was ready to lecture Curt on being a bitch.

Turned out, the tentacle around his ankle had other plans.

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