And Then | Christian

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Christian sometimes went back.

Maybe it came with his passionate nature, to sometimes snag the teleporter device and slip away when the others were busy. Maybe Curt gave him odd looks when he realized his sporadic absences, but there was never a question to be answered.

That was fine. Christian didn't need any sort of comfort from anyone. Let alone from people who'd never understand.

Sitting on the shoreline, he murmured lyrics to the songs he listened to on full-blast. The world's population had been wiped off a while ago. Or at least, this part of it had, and if there were any remainders, he had dealt with them with ease. With this lonliness, Christian found a haven for himself. Here, he didn't need to worry about disturbing anyone with his music.

No one could disturb him, either.

It was nice for a bit. Eventually, he'd always have to go back to Recreyo Headquarters, but he usually had an hour to himself.

He never took long, anyway. It was easy to get his fill from such a big carcass.

Putting his song on pause, Christian took in a deep breath. One could assume he was getting a whiff of the salt in the ocean, a true mark of a beachy paradise.

But he knew that with the heat left on his tongue, and maybe a sicker complexion than before, Christian was no better than his peer Den. And that little mental torment started to dim this place of its paradise qualities.

He needed to stop hanging around her, he told himself. This was getting sickening even for his own standards.

Standing up, he wobbled and tried not to trip over the violet body.

(Maybe he did need that water though.. just not for its smell.) 

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