Chapter 1

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Gus' POV

"I cannot believe you drew this on!" I exclaimed, hopelessly attempting to wash off the poorly drawn on marker stubble from my friends face. I gently brushed a damp cloth to his chin, Matt groaning in protest. 

"This took me ages, man! Come on!" I gave him a disgruntled look and retorted to his complaints.

"Matt, not to be harsh but it looks awful, let me finish trying to wipe it." Mattholomule opened his mouth to respond but was cut off by the cloth smothering his face. We had sat together in a small classroom inside of Hexside, er.. New Hexside. Everything had changed since we got back, it was weird. Matt and I sat on the floor of the classroom, soft light from a boarded window shone through so I could see just enough. My hand was rested on his shoulder as I, still unsuccessfully smudged the marker around Matt's face. I realised how close we were and took a step back to examine how well I had rubbed off. Mattholomule looked at me, a grumpy look displayed, while there was a little left still I couldn't be bothered wiping anymore.

"Here, have this." I handed him a fresh cloth to dry his face, him rubbing it against his cheeks vigorously, a lot more rough than I had done. I sat down, legs crossed in front of him and when he was finished, he had left his hair a mess, but it was kinda cute. In a friendly way. My stomach twisted weirdly.

"Happy now?" He said, clearly displeased with me. I had set the cloths down on the ground next to us and looked up to his brown eyes watching me, as if he was waiting for someone to say something.

"Uhm.." I broke the silence, "How have you been since I.."

"Left for the human realm?" Matt finished my sentence, slumping his shoulders, seemingly sad. "Well, not the best if I'm honest," he admitted, "my brother was made into a puppet and all that, everyone is more depressed then we all used to be." Matt fiddled with his fingers in his lap, he was anxious. Looking past me, he mumbled something "and I uh," he coughed, "I missed you." I felt my face flush and that stomach twisting feeling again.

"You actually missed me?" I asked, a little bewildered he had confessed to something like that, he wasn't a really open kid. I watched as his eyes darted from me to the floor uneasily, a tinge of pink showing on his ears.

"Yeah I-I guess I did," he started, "those times we went to the graveyard together were really, uh, fun and I don't know, I didn't realise how much I liked doing that until all this happened." He motioned his hands around, referring to what The Collector had caused upon the Isles. The soft light from outside had fallen upon Matt's face, making it almost glow, it made me feel weird. I scooted over to his side now, sitting next to him.

 "I missed you too," I said. I watched as widened his eyes and looked away from me, now looking at a wall, covering his mouth with his hand. I felt a lump form in my throat. "I enjoyed going with you to the graveyard too, I learnt a lot and you were good company." I shifted closer. "Maybe when all this is over.." I paused a moment too long, "maybe we can do it again." Matt turned in my direction again, a small smile spread across his cheeks.

"I'd like that." he answered. At this point, we were almost touching. I stared into his wide eyes, and he stared back into mine. I moved my hand towards his very slowly, leaning my body in more. I rested my fingers ever so slightly atop his knuckles and we both tensed. His face turned a bright red and I could tell that mine looked exactly the same. What am I doing? Mattholomule is my friend! Oh my titan.. but neither of us drew back. I glanced at his lips for a second, for whatever reason. I retracted my hand into my lap and turned away, astronomically embarrassed. Matt had done the same but I couldn't tell his expression. My face was insanely red from ear to ear, small beads of sweat falling softly down my cheek, I bit my lip. Just then, a scrawny figure entered the doorway.

"Oh, there you are Gus!" it was Hunter. He noticed our faces and gave me a funny look, "Uh, are you busy?" He questioned, watching Mattholomule suspiciously. Matt noticed and gave an awkward wave, still on the floor wrapped up in himself. 

"Uh! No I'm not, was just helping Matt wash his face," I grimaced at my poor choice of words and jumped up, facing Hunter. "Do you need something?" I asked.

"Hmm, oh yeah. Luz wanted you guys to discuss some plans or something, she sent me to go and find you but if you're," he stopped, sneaking a look at Matt and back to me, "y'know, you don't need to we can tell you after." My stomach twisted again and I shook my head.

"No I'm sure we're fine to go," I answered, looking back at Matt, him giving me a small nod. He stood up and we followed Hunter into the hallways, a tingling air hanging between me and my friend. He led us into the gym, where I saw everyone huddled in a circle, having already started their discussion. Hunter went off and joined Willow, linking hands and announcing we had arrived. A tiny pang of jealousy went off in my heart when I saw the two. They looked so happy together and I wasn't sure I would ever feel like that with another person. Mattholomule had taken his place somewhere else in the circle and I settled next to Willow. Luz had recounted what we missed and continued speaking but I kept drifting my gaze elsewhere. Matt was listening contently to what Luz had to say, his eyebrows furrowed and his lips pursed slightly. He may be a little dorky but he was smart when he wanted to be, I don't know, I think that makes him cute. But y'know, still as friends.

Gustholomule 🌈🌈حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن