Chapter 6

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Matt's POV

"What do I do Jerbo?" I stressed to my older friend. With my little incident with Gus last night I needed someone older to talk to, I just needed to let someone know!

"I don't know man! You're the one that tried to kiss your friend!" He retorted, equally as stressed as I was. I gave him a grumpy look and flapped my arms.

"I didn't mean to! He just-" I was recalling back to last night, his eyes were so pretty and even if I denied it, I really did want to kiss him. "He put his hand on my cheek and pulled me in!" I tried to push the blame elsewhere, though I know it was my fault.

"And you said you grabbed his waist! Let me guess, you were pulling him in too?" Jerbo added, and my face went pink. It was true, I was pulling him in! Why did I want this so much?

"Well uh!-" I scrambled for words, "Well maybe I did! It's not my issue that he looks at me like that though!" I continued crossing my arms, desperately not wanting to face the fact that I wanted Augustus Porter to like me the same as I do him. Jerbo shook his head.

"Why did you think I'd be able to help? I've never even had a boyfriend!" He exclaimed, "Honestly, you're better off talking to Luz or something, she's way more experienced than I'd ever be!" I scrunched my face up. Luz really wasn't fond of me, and I suspected she still hadn't forgiven me for that detention situation. But the more I thought about it the more willing I was to talk with her. She was in a relationship after all, maybe she had some advice. I glanced across the gym to find her but I noticed Augustus looking at me, and he realised too. I blushed and turned away, Jerbo saw. I rubbed my cheeks and looked back to Jerbo.

"Alright, I'll go and talk to Luz then!" I declared. I spotted her and made my way over. She had been conversing with her mom. When I reached her I politely waited by her side until she realised I was there and she turned, a confused expression on her face. "Hey, Luz." I said shyly, rubbing my hands.

"Mattholomule?" she questioned, tilting her head slightly. "Do you need something?" I nodded.

"I-I was just wondering if I could speak to you for a minute, if you're not too busy." I explained, continuing to to play with the cuff of my glove. Luz must've took notice of my anxiety and her expression softened and she gave me a small smile.

"Sure, I'm open if you need to talk, these are hard times," she agreed. It felt weird her being nice to me, I was awful to her. I led her to a secluded corner of the gym and lowered my voice.

"It's about Gus," I explained, feeling my heart shiver in my ribcage. Luz's interest peaked notably and her eyes widened. "We, uh- We were talking last night and he-" I paused, swallowing awkwardly. "He grabbed my hand and he-he started stroking my hair and oh Titan it felt nice," I confessed, maybe oversharing a bit too much. Luz's eyes lit up and she grinned.

"Oh my goodness Matt! You like Gus?" she exclaimed, clapping softly. I nodded silently, my hands now clasped together.

"I uhm- er.. we-" I struggled to find the best way to describe what had happened without making myself look like a total idiot. "Gus he- he was staring at me and I leaned in and-" Mother Titan, I failed already! "He put his hand on my cheek and mine was on his waist and," wow, I'm really doing this, "I almost kissed him!" I squeaked, shoving my face into my green bandana. I heard an excited squeal from Luz and she grabbed my shoulders.

"Matt!! Who else have you told yet?" She demanded, although in a joyous tone.

"I uh- I've only told Skara, Jerbo and Barcus right now.." I responded, averting my eyes. I was very, very embarrassed. "They kind of figured it out after I kept talking about Gu-Augustus so much on our missions." I added, still clasping my hands. I sighed, "I just- I just don't know what I'm doing and I thought since you are with Amity and you spend a lot of time with Augustus, that you could maybe help?" Luz's smile widened and she looked very excited.

"Of course I can help!" she proclaimed loudly, "say uh, what exactly do you need help with?"

"Well, I just want to know what I should be doing. I think he likes me but I don't know and I'm scared to ask him out and-" Luz rested her hand on my shoulder comfortingly.

"Slow down, Matt." she spoke softly, "It's okay, I'm like 99% sure Gus likes you back." I looked at her. 

"Really?" I said very hopefully.

"Uh, yeah! Back in the human realm all he would talk about was how worried he was about the people back home and you seemed to be the name he mentioned the most." She elbowed me and winked and I felt like my body was hotter than the entire boiling sea. Could Gus really like me back? The thought overjoyed me. "Look, with my advice, just tell him how you feel, I promise that even if he doesn't like you that way he's a cool dude and will still want to be friends." I flapped my hands excitedly and hopped in spot softly.

"Thank you Luz, you're really helpful." I said in the most genuine way I could but knowing myself I probably sounded sarcastic as ever. 

"Anytime, Mattholomule!" she said, skipping away back to Amity, granting her girlfriend a light kiss on the cheek. I was really unsure of what Gus thought of me, but now, I felt a little more courage into asking the boy I've been in love with for months out. I went and sat on the bleachers and I looked up and noticed Gus looking at me. He smiled at me and waved and I returned the wave, bouncing my legs eagerly. I would talk to him later, I wasn't going to deny how much I'd like to.

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