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"You're awake!" A small voice exclaims.

"Moshi moshi, Sumi!" I smile. "How long have I been out?"

"Just 2 days." Sumi reassures me. "Kocho-sama said that you're very resilient."

I tilt my head slightly.

"Kocho-sama knows I'm awake?"

"No, but she said that there was poison circulating through your bloodstream, making you slower and weaker. Your immune system managed to mostly kill the infected cells itself though." She explains.

"Well, that's good. Isn't it?" I beam.

"Very! Though you will have to start rehabilitation training to fully fight the infection."

"Wasn't Kamado doing rehab? Will I be joining him?" I ask.

"If you want to, but it'll probably be very easy for you."

"I could help them out then! I'm sure having to train that boar-headed kid must be difficult, not to mention the yellow-haired one." I sigh, remembering my interaction with them a few days ago.

"We would appreciate it!"

Tanjiro POV

Zenitsu, Inosuke, and I head to training again. It's been 3 days since Zenitsu joined us and still, none of us have so much as laid a finger on Kanao. I still can't think of a way that I can beat her.

As we round the corner we see another person waiting for us. I'd recognize that scent anywhere!

"Hello, Ryu-sama! Are you better already?"

She turns her head and looks at us.

"Ohayo, Tanjiro-kun. I'm not completely better but I will be helping train you 3." She smiles cheerily.

"We'd apprecia-"

"A hashira?" Zenitsu screeches from beside me. "We're meant to be on the level of a hashira? I'm doomed."

Zenitsu starts crying.

"Ehh... Zenitsu, I'm sure you'll do fine!" I attempt to reassure him.

"I'm just going to be giving you pointers, don't worry." Ryu-sama pipes up.

Zenitsu stops crying and looks up at her.

"You sure?" He asks, tearily.

"100%!" Ryu beams. "I'll just be watching you and training by myself."

Zenitsu gets up but still doesn't look all too pleased.

"I'll take you on! There's no way you're tougher than Ganao!" Inosuke declare confidently.

"G-Ganao?" Ryu makes a confused face.

"He means Kanao." Zenitsu grumbles.

"Oh! Well, Kanao is very strong but I do believe I'm a teensy bit stronger than her."

The sound of a coin flip rings through the room.

"You are much stronger than me, Ryu." Kanao smiles.

"You give me too m-"

"I'll be the judge of that!" Inosuke yells then charges at Ryu-sama.

"Inosuke!" I try to grab his collar to no avail.

As expected, Ryu-sama just jumps over Inosuke and lands on his back.

"You certainly do need some training." She smiles innocently.

Zenitsu on the other hand cracks up with laughter.

"Zenitsu! Don't be rude!" I scold.

"S-sorry Tanjiro, but it's too funny." He responds in between laughs.

"Don't laugh at me, Monitsu! Hey, Pastel Girl! Get off me so I can fight him."

Ryu blinks in confusion.

"They're always like this." I explain.

Third Person

About half an hour later, Tanjiro, Zenitsu and Inosuke were continuing their training. Then Zenitsu looked over Ryu.

"YAHHHHHH! How does your body move like that?" Zenitsu screamed.

Ryu was holding her leg behind her head. Tanjiro looked over and his expression turned just as incredulous. Ryu looked up and smiled.

"I've done a lot of flexibility training." She explained. "Dream breathing requires high flexibility."                                                                                                                                                                                                  

"AHAHAHAHA! There's no way you're more flexible than the king of the mountains!" Inosuke challenged, trying to taunt Ryu into another fight.

"I'm sure you're quite flexible as well." Ryu gave a close-eyed smile.

Her sweet attitude seemed to annoy Inosuke because his expression quickly shifted from pride to anger.

"Why are you so... so immune to anger!?" Inosuke exclaimed as though he was talking to an alien species.

"Immune to anger? Oh no no no, you've got me all wrong. I'm not immune, I've got quite the temper actually!" Ryu said, dropping her signature smile.

"Quite the temper my ass... you haven't spent all too much time with Inosuke..." Zenitsu grumbled.

"I do have a very quick temper, but I'm good at hiding it." I say, donning another eerie smile. "Y'know, you 2 are really grating on my nerves with how loud you are."

Zenitsu gulped and quickly busied himself with the exercise he was doing. Meanwhile Inosuke stood up and marched over to Ryu.

"Eh... I'm not sure that's a good idea Inosuke..." Tanjiro grimaced.

"Who do you think you're calling loud!?" Inosuke yelled, very loudly.

"You and banana hair."

At that Zenitsu's jaw dropped open.

"B-banana!?" He screamed.

"I swear, will you shut up? I have quite sensitive hearing you see." Ryu lost her friendly demeanour for a moment but regained it quickly.

"Hai..." Zenitsu's attention snapped back to his exercises.

"I'm not loud! I'm just noisy!" Inosuke snarled.

"I think you'll find, those are synonyms." Ryu unhooked her heel from the back of her neck and sat in a cross-legged position.

"Cinnamons? Huh? Whatever! My point is, I'm not loud!"

"Did you get any semblance of an education at all? Or are you entirely stupid?"

"I don't know what half of those words mean! Are you speaking in code? To who?"

"It's not code, you're just an idiot."

"I'm not an idiot!"

"You absolutely are."

"I'm not!"

"Okay, then wh-"

"Oh my! What's going on here?" Shinobu said as she walked into the room.

"My apologies, Kocho-sama," Ryu apologised, doing a back walkover into a handstand. "He's just stupid.

"I'm not stu-" Inosuke started.

"No, none of that, either of you. Kanao, would you mind telling me what happened?" Shinobu cut him off.

"Inosuke was attempting to provoke Ryu-san into a fight." Kanao replied.

"I was no-" Inosuke began again.

"Yes you were." Zenitsu grumbled.

"Inosuke, please refrain from provoking anyone while you are still somewhat unwell." Shinobu smiled, though it was clear she was annoyed.

Inosuke just pouted.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2023 ⏰

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