Chapter VI

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First Day of Many

He didn't sleep.

He didn't sleep at all, not even a wink.

He just stayed awake and at nine pm started crocheting,

Nine seventeen, watched YouTube,

Nine forty started a new show while crocheting,

Eleven thirty: drew a picture,

Twelve twenty: laid down while listening to a game play,

Twelve twenty six: watched the game play,

Twelve forty seven: opened a bag of chips,

Twelve fifty three: finished the bag of chips,

One ten: took two melatonin,

One thirty: took two more melatonin,

One forty three: continued the show while crocheting,

Five forty three: finished the show,

Six thirty: greets a women in the living room and converses.

"Hey, April?" Donnie asked lifting his phone to leave a voicemail. "Yeah, sorry about calling this early but I think you're on to something; the guy does eat but he doesn't sleep." Donnie yawned.

"Just call me back when you can, I really gotta head home and sleep."

"Are you sure you'll be able to handle today?" Charlotte asked making some instant coffee for herself as James ate a bowl of cereal.

"I'll be fine." He replied scrolling threw Pinterest on his phone.

"If you need me just call and I'll come get you, no questions asked." She offers a little worried for the boy.

"My own mom wasn't even this concerned last time I pulled this, so you shouldn't be either." James stated with annoyed sass.

"We'll, clearly I'm not your mother; I'm actually here for you." Charlotte said clear anger in her voice at the mention of the women.

No more words were spoken as James got up from his seat and hurried to tie his shoes, grab his bag and leave the apartment, Charlotte not bothering to go after him.

He walked to school; getting there thirty minutes early and opted for going to the library instead of waiting by the door of his math class, only when he sat down did the side effects of the all nighter kick in.

Constant yawning, excessive daydreaming, headaches, random chills; and those are only the symptoms of extreme exhaustion he noticed.

He held onto consciousness surprisingly well, he made it till the bell rang, he made it threw math, he made it to the science room and that's when he blanked.

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