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Vampire Reader verse

Wednesday Addams x Vampire!Reader x Enid Sinclair

Summary : You saw it as a curse, a burden. The stripe of colored hair everybody got. You didn't believe you were fit to be a soulmate, so when you one day come across the fact that you don't just have one, but two that you have to hide from. Will you be able to hide the fact that your their soulmate until you graduate? Or will you have to deal with the burden of them knowing your their soulmate, but you refuse to talk to them about it, constantly avoiding them.

You bit your tongue as you entered Nevermore, quickly fixing your hat, thankful that it covered the stripe of hair that was different from the rest. No matter what you did, it would always come back. Dying it? The color fades after a few days, returning your hair to its original color. Cutting it off was also not the way to go. That dreadful stripe would always come back whether it'd take minutes, hours or even days.

It pained you to say the least. Your father wanted you to marry some noble vampire to continue the bloodline, and it fell on your shoulders because you were the only of his kin. He'd done everything to try to get that stripe to change color, but no matter what he or you did, it always remained.

He would marry you off to some man anyway, whether fate allowed it or not. Though he wasn't always like this, you assumed it happened centuries ago where he had the unfortunate fate of losing his soulmate. And now he had learned to love again only for your mother, to be forcefully taken away and murdered.

You sighed, taking a step into nevermore. It was your first day here as you could pass off as a normie but your hunger for blood would sometimes get overwhelming, and casualties would always happen causing you to get kicked out or you just decide to leave on your own when the bullying gets too much.

Deciding it was time, he sent you to this dreadful place, apparently it would help you better connect with people because there were vampires and other 'freaks' like you there. Making sure to put the designer glasses on quickly, you again fixed your beanie. Making sure that the stripe of hair was covered.

You took the suitcase from your butler's hands, saying a thank you before walking in. Father had said you were to meet with this principal 'Weems' before you explored the school. Luckily, he had given you the directions to her office so you wouldn't embarrass yourself on the first day.

Sighing as you went to the direction of her office, you ignored the comments or whispers people made while you walked pass, as you were an unfamiliar face to them.

Quietly opening the door to the office, you shut it as soon as you entered the room, gaining the attention of a blonde haired tall woman who you presumed was Weems. Quickly patting yourself off to fix your altered uniform. Your father was certainly not a fan of the blue, requesting it be red.

"Ah you must be Y/N Solace?" You only gave her a discreet nod, as she continued on speaking. "Right, your father told me you wouldn't be much of a speaker. Let's introduce you to our new roommate shall we?"

You followed her out the door, as she gently grabbed onto your arm so you wouldn't fall behind. "I'm sure you're going to love it here at nevermore. We had another new student come a few days ago as well. I'm sure you already knew but your mother was a legacy here at nevermore, being one of the top students and excelling in everything."

You only continued to nod, as you heard people praising your late mother too much already, it only gave you headaches now. "This is Ophelia Hall, this is where your dorm is gonna be from now on."
She led you into one of the dorms, as you entered you spotted a long haired girl which you assumed was a vampire, from her sunglasses and protruding fangs. Because your mother was a half vampire half physic, you gained the ability to retract your fangs at will, as your fangs were sharper and slightly more visible than the current day vampires as you were from the original bloodline, though you never got your mother's physic abilities so you never considered yourself as a half physic.

"Yoko, say hello to your new roommate, Y/N Solace. They just arrived today, so I'm wondering if you would give them a little tour around the school later?" The girl smiled and quickly nodded.

"Woah. Solace? That means you're the daughter of Marilynn Solace! I admire her so much!" At that you internally sighed, though you loved your mother truly, you sometimes wished you were someone else's daughter just because of this and being the daughter of Count Dracula.

You only slightly nodded and smiled. "Not much of a talker? That's alright Here, let me move my stuff from your side of the room, I was using it since i didn't have a roomie."

As she took her stuff, you set your suitcase down onto your bed.

"Right then, I'll leave you girls to it?" Principal Weems gave you both a small wave before heading out.

"Hey Y/N, mind if I ask? What's with the beanie?" You paused, even though you got that alot you hated talking about it. You looked down, "Uh, it's complicated..". Wanting to change to another topic, Yoko seemed to notice and didn't push further.

"Come on, I'll give you a tour of this place." You let her grab your wrist, dragging you around as you didn't complain or pull away.

"Here's the fencing room, it's kind of a required sport so I assume it's on your schedule, there's our coach Vlad." He gave you a wave before returning his focus on the two people fencing, one of them however, caught your eye as they were in black gear as you remember black gear were only for instructors.

Yoko, however, had already dragged you away before you could get a closer look at the one in black. "Here's the greenhouse, there's a ton of different plants in there but try not to mess around in here, some kid caught a few of the plants on fire and Ms Thornhill was definitely not happy. Oh right! Speaking of her, she's also our dorm mom. Expect her to stop by later though."

Once again, she started dragging you somewhere else. "And this is the quad. A lot of people hangout here, for example, at that table there's furs, they're werewolves. If you hate loud noises you might wanna hide somewhere or get noise canceling headphones.

"And there's sirens, vampires, gorgons, and physics. I know, my mother wouldn't stop talking when it came to Nevermore and stuff." You said, so she wouldn't have to waste time explaining.

Yoko looked around a bit, as if to look for someone but it seemed that she couldn't find them so she just continued on.

"Here, let's go sit with the other vampires then since you might be more comfortable around them more."

As you both sat down, they greeted her before their eyes fell upon you. The act made you slightly nervous, making you try to distract yourself by playing with your hair. You always found comfort in doing that.

"Alright guys, this is Y/N Solace. You'd probably already know who she is as the daughter of Marilynn Solace AND Count Dracula. They aren't much of a talker though so give them space-"

You offered them a smile and a small wave, they quickly started talking to you as if you'd been in their friend group for years. You couldn't lie, it was slightly overwhelming but you hadn't gotten much friends before so it was a nice change. You also were glad they didn't mention anything about the beanie.

Maybe you were gonna like it here, after all, you were fitting in.


1.2K words

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