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Summary : Jenna and you work on a film together, and she breaks down. Which causes you to look for her at her trailer and some feelings get exposed.


While in the break room, you and Jenna were chatting about who knows what, but it didn't matter as the both of you were almost always seen together. Whether it be hanging out at a cafe, restaurant, or on set.

One of the staff poked her head in the room, seeing the two of you talking and laughing with each other as usual. She could only shake her head slightly and smile at the interaction.

Ever since you both started working on this movie together, you both just immediately clicked like two pieces that were always meant to be together.

"Girls? Are you both ready?"

"We're coming out in just a second!"

She nodded and walked away, slowly closing the door behind her.



"You psychopath get away from me!" You screamed and kicked, but to no avail as your restraints restricted your movements greatly. Fear dawned on both your and Jenna's character's features as the man got closer and closer.

He kicked at you, knocking you down onto the ground as you lost balance. "Fuck!" Cursing as you struggled, since he was now towering over you.

"What the fuck do you want from me!"

However, you received no response. You shut your eyes, as he thrusted his knife down, into your chest.

You could only let out small whimpers as you tried to scream, to scream for her to help you but your voice broke it was evident that a fatal organ had been hit. Your eyes widened as she basically lunged at the man, throwing him against the wall.

She turned to you, eyes tearing up as she looked like she was on the verge of a breakdown as soon as she saw you holding the knife.

"I'm sorry."

You sharply inhaled, as your grasp on the knife that was embedded inside of your chest grew weaker.

"No no no! Please, you can't leave me alone! You promised.."

At that, you could only weakly shake your head, closing your eyes as the pain was growing unbearable.


You got up, quickly removing the prop and placing it down, turning to Jenna with a smile.

"That was great Jen! Your acting seemed so real back there."

Though, she didn't answer, only turning around slowly, only to see her eyes still watering, shedding a few tears.

"You okay Jenna?"

She quickly nodded, and excused herself to her trailer. A behavior at which you could only find strange. Normally if it'd been a scene like this she would've already gone back to normal.

Bidding goodbye to some castmates, you excused yourself as well to find her.

As you got to her trailer, your hand hovered slightly, questioning yourself on if you should even be bothering her as of right now. Shaking your head, you knocked on the door of her trailer, waiting a few seconds before knocking again, but receiving no answer either times. Deciding to just invite yourself in since you were quite concerned for the actress, as she did kind of leave quicker than usual instead of hanging out for a bit.


Scanning the trailer, you looked for the girl, finding her pacing around in the kitchen area. You could see that she was crying still, wiping her eyes every so often as her face was clouded with tears streaming down her face.

𝐼𝓃𝒻𝒶𝓉𝓊𝒶𝓉𝑒𝒹 𝒥.𝒪 𝒪𝒩𝐸𝒮𝐻𝒪𝒯𝒮Where stories live. Discover now