caffeine goes well with puppy love

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"David!" Exer said as the brightest smile stretched across his face.

He couldn't help it his face just did that whenever David walked into the café.

"Exer, hey why are you still so surprised everytime I come vist the café I've visited like 15 times by now"

"It's less surprised more happy, I gotta appreciate having a friend as amazing as you"

David turned bright red at being called amazing but then instantly remembered the word used before it and cringed internally.

Right friends.

'I'm such and amazing 'friend''  

'There is no way I'm ever getting out of the friend zone'  thought David he was resigned to his fate but that doesn't mean he can't still feel a bit sorry for himself.

"Daaavvviiidddd helllooo,"

"Huh yeah what's up?"

"Nothing dude you just zoned out for a solid 10 seconds or so , something on your mind maybe?"

Pink blush returned to davids face more from embarrassment this time. It seems like whatever exer dose he always manages to make David turn red as beetroot one way or another.

"Oh err nothing I'm fine just a bit tired I guess don't worry about it "

"Ok whatever you say dude but seriously you can tell me if somethings up"

' you're just gonna have to wait until the end of the month for that exer' David thought. He was really starting to hate how observant exer is he somehow always knows when somethings up.

"Yeah yeah I know but everything's fine so don't worry your pretty little head about it"


'Oh my god, why the fuck did I say that !? Ahhhh please don't be weirded out please don't be weirded out'

After David had finally stopped his miny panic he looked over at exer.

Exer looked a little red and flusterd but it was quickly gone so David just decided it was his image for his own sake. If he even let his brain imagine the idea that exer maybe liked him back it would be torture.

"Haha alright I guess I won't worry then. What would you like to order or do you just want a latte like usual?"

"Oh yeah of course you've converted me exer I never thought I would love coffee until I tried your latte it's so good. Also are you going on break soon ?"

"David your really to kind I'm not that good, but thanks , and umm yeah I should be getting of in abit I'll join you at your table once my shift is over."

"Alright then, make sure to bring some pastries over if you can get some "

"Yeah sure "

David walked away and sat at a cozy 2 person table tucked away in the corner of the cafe it was near a window so the afternoon sun bathed the table in a hazy golden hue.
It was the kind of table you sat at when on a date.

David turned bright red at the thought
' no David you just friends hanging out who just happen to be siting at an oddly  romantic table '

Shaking the thought out of his head he sat down and let his mind wander(probably back to exer ) inhaling the scent of Coffee and warmth he'd come to associate with exer.

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