Run Ron Run

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The next day at school David was slightly panicking about the whole situation with Exer it wasn't like it was weird that he asked Exer to go to the cinema with him, they did it all the time but for some reason in David's head he was blowing it all way out of proportion.

Thoughts kept flying round his head. Like what's should her wear tomorrow? What film are even going to see? Should we get popcorn? Should we see a romantic film? Should we get food after? And so on but he kept coming back to one thought.
'I need to talk to Brenda she has a right to know before I do anything about my feelings for Exer'

David tried to pay attention to the whatever the teacher was saying but his mind kept running in circles, finally bell rang for break and David needed to talk to someone.

He couldn't talk to Exer about it since its about Exer and he wasn't ready to talk to Brenda just yet he needed more time to think it all over and to prepare himself for that conversation. But there was someone he could talk to without fear of judgement or rejection and that was Ron. David couldn't be more thankful for Ron without him David might've burst from keeping all the thoughts and feelings pent up inside.


"So you asked Exer out on date but it not really a date ?" Ron questioned

"Yes. Well ...kinda?" David replied, slightly unsure of the situation himself.

"And you plan to tell Exer about Davids feelings by end of the month, yes ?" Ron confirmed.

"Well I hope so" David replied a faint blush coloured his cheeks

Ron looked at David with a smug smirk on his face one eye brow raised. He looked very pleased with himself.

"Oh shut it" David let put a groan putting his head in his hands "It's not like he'll ever like me back , now is it? So I'm just doing this to get over my feelings for him that's it I swear!"

"Uh huh. OK David if you say so..." Ron didn't try and hide his emense amount of doubt in his voice or face for that matter. Rasing an eyebrow , giving David a look that can only be described as 'really?' And taking a sip of his capri-moon for added effect.

Just as David was about to start trying to convince Ron of whatever it was Ron wasnt convinced by (if not for himself for his honor) the boy that consumed almost every waking thought David had walked in. Exer looked happier today he looked brighter and more alive then he had done for a while. Exer shone ,the star of whatever he did, but this only helped to solidify the idea in David's mind that his love for Exer was like trying to bottle sun beams although David can feel and see it and enjoy the warmth and giddiness it gives him he can never have it because its impossible to grasp or catch and as much as he loves it a star like the sun can never return that love.

Lost in his own head and longing it took David a minute or so to realise that Exer was in fact making his way over towards David and Ron.

"Hey guys, what's up?" Exer smiled, his smile was so charming even unintentionally. Exer could probably ask David to do anything and he'd agree at even the glimpse of that smile.

"Oh nothing I was just leaving though very important things to do by myself I will see you later though I must leave now bye Exer , David." And with that Ron darted away probably to go hide in a near by bush so he could ease drop and watch the awkwardness ensue from a distance.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2023 ⏰

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