Engagement? Pt.1

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This takes place after Nick and Charlie have moved in together and they have been dating for six years
Hope you enjoy!

Nick pov:

I am so excited Charlie said he wanted to go on a date tomorrow he also said he had a surprise for me! *ding dong* "Nick I forgot my keys can you unlock the door!" "Yup, coming!" When I unlock the door he has multiple bags hanging from his arms. I guess I looked surprisedbecause he said whipe laughing "I wanted to bring them all in at ounce!"

Charlie pov:

Nick's mouth is hanging open surprised at how many bags I am holding and I just can't help but laugh. I told him I wanted to bring the bags in all at once. Struggling I walk through the door to the kitchen to put the bags down. When I went back to shut the door Nick is still standing there with his mouth open so to make hime shut his mouth I kissed him.

Nick pov:

I am still standing there not knowing what just happened when I feel Charlie's lips on mine. His lips are so soft they are like a pillow and I can't stop kissing him. Suddenly he pulls away saying "I need to make dinner." Pouting I say "Aww I want to cuddle." "Nope we need to make dinner." Sometimes Charlie is so mean but I am proud of him. His ED has gotten much better over the past few years and the fact he actually wants to cook which makes me really happy.

Charlie's pov:

I can't wait till tomorrow. On our picnic date I am going to propose to Nick. "Shit! Nick I burned the food!" I hear Nick's loving voice from across the kitchen. "It's okay baby we can just heat up pizza if you want." "Okay. I think I will try."

Nick pov:

Charlie looks so cute trying to get the plastic wrap off of the pizza. I can't help but lagh when he accidentally throws the pizza across the room. "What are you laughing at?" Chatlie yells with a smirk on his face. "Oh no one." I said struggling not to laugh. Finally after 15 or so minutes of making out the pizza was done. Not that I don't like kissing Charlie I was just starving. While we were eating I noticed Charlie was eating very slowly. "Hey Char are you ok?" "Yeah I am fine just kinda stressed."

Charlie pov:

I am so nervous to propose. What if he doesn't say yes what if he says he is not ready? We have talked about marriage before and we are both ready but I don't know he could've been saying he was ready because I said I was ready. "Hey Char, are you ok?" Fuck I haven't been eating fast enough have I. "Yeah I am fine just kinda stressed."

The next morning

Still Charlie pov:

"Nick!! Wake up we have to leave!" I said while yanking off his blankets. "Ughhh, not even a goodmorning kiss?" He is so cute when he pouts. "Nope, you have to brush your teeth first." Suddenly I feel Nick's lips crash into mine. "Hey! You have to get up no kissing we have a lot to do today!" "Your soooo mean Char!" "But you love me." "Hmph... fine I love you."

Nick pov:

Charlie can be really mean sometimes like right now. He is telling me to get up and won't even give me a goodmorning kiss let alone cuddles. "You are an evil EVIL person Char!!" "Well at least you're up."

Charlie pov:

I head down stairs to make breakfast for Nick after telling him to get up ten more times. While I am frying up the bacon and eggs I here Nick come down. He is dressed in his usual grey sweatpants and a blue hoodie but I don't mind he looks cute. "What you make honey?" Nick asks while coming up behind me and hugging me. "Just your favorite." "Ooo bacon and eggs"

Later in the evening

Still Charlie pov:

"Nick! Are you ready for our date?" "Yup I'll be down in a second."

Hope you liked this pt. 2 coming soon. Sorry for all the part 1 and 2 things.

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