Chapter 4

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*** Makayla's POV ***

I got super nervous that I might be expecting a baby. So, I decided to go to the hospital and take a pregnancy test. I had to answer billion of questions before they took my blood for the damn test. The doctor asked me to wait for one hour before the result, which seemed to be a year. I was so nervous that I stood up, walked around, and sat down thousands of times. Suddenly, what happened last night came back to me. I felt the same embarrassment again. I couldn't act like it was okay, so, I called Usher to apologize, and also giving myself something to do while waiting for my sentence. He answered the phone after the fourth ring. I took a deep breath before opening my mouth and speak.

- Hey, Usher, how are-you doing?

- I'm good and you?

- I'm fine, thanks. I called to apologize about last night. I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to embarrass you li- ( He cut me off.)

- It's cool, Kayla. Things like that can happened to anyone. You have nothing to be sorry for. ( It's something that I like about Usher, he's such an effortless gentleman.)

I was still on the phone with him, when the doctor came back to the room; I got even more nervous, my hands were cold and my legs shaken. I asked Usher to hold on for one second so I could ask the doctor what was going on.

-"Mrs. Johnson, Congratulations! You're six Weeks pregnant." It was the most beautiful day of my life; I felt an unexplainable joy. It was real. I was going to be a mother. I ran to the doctor and kissed him on his cheek. I was jumping and screaming. The doctor was laughing. I couldn't wait to share the news. That's when I remembered that Usher was still on the phone. I put the phone back on my ear.

-Usher, guess what? I'm gonna be mommy. ( I screamed.)

-Congratulations! I'm happy for you!

-Thanks! I gotta go. Bye!

I couldn't wait to tell Kris that we're going to be parents. I couldn't wait to see his reaction. It's true that we weren't planning on having kids. Well, we never talked about it. But, I was more than happy to be experiencing this; knowing that someone is living inside of me.

*** Usher's POV ***

I hang up the phone with some confusing feelings. I couldn't believe that Kayla was going to have a kid with K-Beatz. I wished I was happy for them. I was happy when I heard about my homegirl, Alicia Keys being prego. I was happy when Kanye West called and told me about him going to have a child with Kim Kardashian. I love kids. But, why am-I feeling this way when it comes for Kayla and K-Beatz having a child? I felt like it wasn't right. He didn't deserve her and a child will make things worst.

My phone started to ring, I looked at the caller ID and it was Shanikwa. I talked to my sons on oovoo a hour ago, and they told me that she left them with her crazy, loud, disrespectful mother. So, I didn't want to speak to her now. Because if I did I would tell her what I really think of her irresponsible ass. I was starting to think of getting the custody of my children.

My phone started to ring again, this time it was Soulja Boy. I knew exactly why he called me for.

-Yo, you can start with the girly laughing of yours ( I said hysterically.)

-Son, Drake showed me your video and it was dreadful. I couldn't stop cracking up.

-F u, nigga, Drake is a dead man.

-You bettah don't show up in the studio today, cause the niggas gonna make you crazy, man.

He soon hang up the phone. He was right, the boys are going to make of my life a living hell for that thing. I couldn't believe Kayla threw up on me, last night. It was so disgusting. But, I was far from being mad at her.

*** K-Beatz's POV ***

Tonight, I got home earlier than usual. Makayla was sitting down in the couch, watching something in the television. I bended down and kissed her forehead. She reached for my hands and kissed them. I knew she wanted to tell me something. Whatever it was, I really wasn't in the mood of hearing it. She got up to face.

-"Bae, congrats, you're going to be daddy." I couldn't believe my ears, so, I had to ask a stupid question.

-"You're pregnant?" She nodded.

-"I'm 6 weeks prego."

I felt so much joy inside. I didn't know when I lifted her up and began spinning with her. She was screaming with laughter. I kissed her deeply. I was definitely ready to be a better man for myself, and a better husband for Kayla and the baby we gonna have. I couldn't make a woman who is carrying my first child unhappy.

*** Makayla's POV ***

3 Weeks later...

This baby was definitely bringing back the joy in my marriage. Since Kris found out of my pregnancy, he was becoming a more understanding husband. He told his whole family about it. Which made me a little bit sad, because I didn't have no one in my family to share this blessing with.

Last week, we went to the doctor and we heard our baby's heartbeat by ultrasound. It was the most beautiful thing I ever heard. K-Beatz was elated, he was talking of writing a song about it. I've became the happiest woman in the world, in just three Weeks. Everything was going so well, I was going on daily exercises, drinking these organic fruit and vegetable drinks; everything seemed so perfect.

Today, I woke up at 5 in the morning to go pee and I noticed that I was spotting. I quickly went online and google about it, they said that it wasn't a big deal; many pregnant women experienced it and still gave birth to their babies. So, I put my iPhone down and went back to bed. I could feel Kris wrapping his arms around me, which made me feel more relax.

I woke up again at 10 AM and that's when I felt some wetness down there. I reached my down and touched it. When I brought my hand back up, there was heavy blood on it. I quickly got out of the bed, and I could feel blood sliding down my leg. I suddenly felt cramps. It wasn't like a period cramp; It was more intense. I was in shock. I was calling out Kris. He rapidly got upstairs, I started to cry. Kris hugged me and tried to calm me down.

He called the doctor, meanwhile, I was cleaning myself and getting ready to go to the hospital. We got into his car. I couldn't stop crying. I looked at his face, I knew he was as worried as I am. Since, no song could described how happy I was to be a mom; then, no song could expressed how scared I was that this happiness might be over. I just prayed that my baby is alright.

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