The Interruption

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Bowser and Luigi were laying on the bed, cuddling and looking at a book of potential themes for their wedding. Bowser gave Luigi a peck on the forehead and got up to go get Luigi's wedding dress for him to try on. Luigi then put it on and when he saw himself in the mirror he was even more embarrassed than he was at breakfast."You look beautiful!" Bowser said. Then Bowser picked Luigi up in his big muscular arms and held him close.

Bowser was about to pull down Luigi's mask and kiss him on the lips when suddenly the window to Luigi's room was bust open by Mario who then yelled,

"I'll save you!" But before he could do anything a goomba came over and kicked him back into the hot air balloon that he came from.

Bowser chuckled a little bit from the goomba kicking Mario out the window but then went back to what he was doing.

Bowser laid Luigi back down on the bed and Luigi changed into his nightgown, cuddling up next to Bowser. Bowser then started spooning Luigi and kissing his neck. Then they cuddled until they both fell asleep.

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