The Secrets

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Luigi and Bowser had just gotten married and Bowser was carrying Luigi, bridal style into their bedroom. Bowser laid Luigi down on the bed and then laid down next to him.

"I can't believe we're finally married." Said Bowser staring passionately into Luigi's eyes. Luigi cuddled up next to Bowser, he was warm and comforting and Luigi was happy.

"So should we?" Bowser asked suggestively. Bowser pulled down Luigi's mask, about to kiss him when he saw that Luigi was Luigi.

"Luigi!?" Bowser exclaimed. Luigi then tried to run away but Bowser pulled him back into his arms and held him.

"Hey you're ok, you're my wife and I love you no-madder what, even if you're my worst enemy's brother." Bowser said in a comforting tone. Bowser then kissed Luigi passionately and started undressing him. Bowser slide off his pants took out his "manhood."

Bowser spread Luigi's legs and pressed his tip up against Luigi's entrance, making Luigi gasp a bit and grab onto Bowser's back. Bowser kissed Luigi passionately, grabbing his hips and gently grinding against Luigi's sensitive spots. Bowser carefully aligned himself to Luigi's entrance and slowly pushed in his cock, making Luigi moan.

Bowser started moving and Luigi covered his mouth to keep any embarrassing moans from escaping. Bowser moved Luigi's hand from his mouth and kissed him. Bowser started going faster and Luigi's legs started shaking, Bowser held Luigi's hips to support him and began going deeper. Luigi moaned a bit and shook as Bowser pulled him closer and they finished together. Bowser picked up Luigi 'bridal style' and took him over to the bathroom to clean up.

Once they had finished cleaning up, Bowser carried him back to bed and held him until he fell asleep.

The next morning Bowser woke up to Luigi shaking him awake.

"What's wrong, baby girl?" Bowser asked holding Luigi's hands and wiping the tears out of his eyes.

Luigi was distraught and didn't know what to say so he just lifted up to show Bowser his positive pregnancy test.

"Aww, it's ok baby girl." Bowser said in a comforting tone, pulling him into his arms. "I can't believe we're gonna have a baby." Said Bowser stroking his wife's hair to comfort him. They stayed like that for a while until they fell back asleep.

They suddenly woke up to a crash, it was Mario...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2023 ⏰

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