Pilot- the beginning of the deprived light

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This story starts in sunny town at the ramen shop. A flareon and a glaceon are sitting discussing something as the flareon holds an egg.

Nora: "Listen Gyro I think I can't stay with you anymore, you might be losing you're touch." As the flareon says with a slight grin.

Gyro: "Listen I don't want to leave the kid fatherless. But please don't leave!" The glaceon begged to Nora.

The egg shakes a little bit

Nora: "I'm sorry Gyro but you can't provide for us and our daughter, Olivia." She said chuckling a little bit.

Gyro: "Listen, I swear. Don't leave, I want to keep my children." He kept begging Nora.

Nora: "Ugh. Fine. But if you fail to do so I'll leave." She said with a disgusted face.

Gyro: "Thank you so much! I'll make sure not to disappoint you." Gyro said with a relieved face.

Nora: "Alright fine, let's get out of this place. It reeks of poor people." She would tuck the egg into her neck fluff.

Gyro: "Yes mam. Alright, let's go."

The both of them walk out of the shop.


So, once they were outside the ramen shop. Nora and Gyro decide to go to the apartment complex. But unfortunately, a strange outlaw ran up to Gyro and stabbed him then started pressing Nora for money.

Gyro: He let out a scream of pain.

Nora: She let out a scream of terror and started throwing money at the outlaw. "Fine Fine. Take my money. I don't care anymore!"

Outlaw: "Thanks for the donation you stupid bitch!" The outlaw ran off.

Gyro was slowly bleeding to death. And Nora didn't really care. And shortly she ran off, just leaving him there for dead.

Gyro: "WAIT, PLEASE GET HELP!" He screamed desperately into the night sky for Nora.

Nora was already gone. And multiple hours later, Gyro bled to death.
((Juicy)): What a horrible way to go...


It was now daytime. And Nora was walking to a bush. She pulled the egg out of her neck fluff and slid it into the bush. After she did so, she used a fireball at a cave entrance that was hiding behind the bush. causing it to cave in, no longer to be available.

Nora: "Well guess I gotta go find someone else now. That child was a mistake. And should've made him wear a condom.." She said disappointed

Nora: "This is what happens when you let a dog get a treat, problems are made."

((Breez)): Don't listen to Nora guys she wrong.

Then Nora left the egg with no mother, no father.

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