My Crush

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I walked in to our practice room, like usual. Actually, I'm a dancer in this school. We have competition with other school so we have to prepare for everything before the event.

I take off my sweater and put it on my bag. I have a little exercise before they come. Suddenly, I heard a loud noise. My heart skip a beat.


Yeah, It's EXO. Our popular group boy in this school. I've never talked with one of them. I'm really shy to confront them. Because they are really have a pretty and good looks!

As the door opened, I gasped and just doing my exercise. My cheeks really felt hot. I can't breath normally. They put their bags and started to doing exercise. I bit my lower lips and tied up my hair.

Omo, etteoke! My crush!!! He walked passed me!!!!!

He turn on the music and he looked at me. He smiled. I gasped and looked away.

Eyy! He smile at me!!! Kyaaaaa omg! I would like to scream right now.

"Irene!!" I heard my best friend Sojin calling my name. I quickly turned around. She ran to me. "Wow, why are you so early?! You want to see Luhan??" She giggled. My eyes widened. "Yahh! Shhh! He's right there! He will hear!!" I hit her arms. She laughed.

Aishh.. She always teased me like this when Luhan were nearly to us. "Hi, Luhan!" She waved her hand at him. My eyes wide opened. When he turned around and smile back at her. "Hi!" He waved back. I feel small here. Why I can't do like that to him? Erghh.. I hate myself.

"Okay, let's practice!" she pulled my hands. We both standing at the center. I've become numb when Luhan stopped infront of us. "What kind of song do you guys want to play? I will switch it." He said while pointing at his laptop. My heart beating uncontrolly. My eyes stuck at him.

Can I scream right now? He's really gorgeous! His brown hair, his eyes, his nose and that lips. He's cute when he's smiling! Oh God, I can't live like this. It's hunting me at night and makes me crazy at day. He was too perfect for me. He's popular. But I.. Just nobody..

"Oh, it's okay. I'll get it." Sojin walked sexily to his laptop to change song. My mouth left hanging. Then, Luhan turned his gaze to me. I gulped and bowed my head. I've never talk with him so it's gonna be awkward. "You're Irene right?" He asked. I flinched.

He knows my name?!!! Omo! Omo! What should I say? Eh! I should say yes. But why my voice won't out?

" Y-Yes." I stuttered. He putting his both hand in his pocket and walked to me. I took one stepped back. He smiled. "I hope we can be a dance partner." He said right beside my ear and walked to his friends. I breath heavily and palm my face. I'm blushing.

He said he want to be my dance partner??! Omo! Is that a good thing?!


After we've done practice, I drank a water and took my school bag. "Irene, I go home first. Bye see you." Sojin walked out from the room. I looked around, EXO still here. Better I get out from here.

I walked straightly out from the room. I ruffled my messy hair and I hummed a song. I heard a footsteps right behind me. "Irene!" I stopped and turned around. Omo. I can't breath. It's him! "N-Ne?" He handed to me a sweater. Shit. It's mine! I forgot to take it! Aishh, it's embarassing. "Er.. Gomawo." I bowed my head and took from his hand. Our hand touched. I gasped softly. My cheeks felt hot and my hands shaking so bad.

How can I facing him if I like this? He smile at me like the way I smile at him. Oh my God.

He rubbed his nape. I quickly look away. Wow, I stared at him. Is that obvious? "Luhan hyung! Palli!" Sehun called out his name. He looked at him then to me. "Okay, I go now. See you tomorrow?" He asked. I smile shyly. "Of-Of course." I giggled. He chuckled then took a stepped back. "Anyyeong, take care."

Wait.. Did he just said 'take care'? Jinjja?! Omo omo.

"N-Ne. Anyyeong." I waved my hand and I just stared at him walking away from me. I can't stop from smiling. He is so perfect.. I sighed relief. What a good creature.. I shook my head and headed to my home. Oh Gosh, If he was my boufriend.. Eyy stop dreaming, Irene. He's too hot for you.

I sighed heavily. "I will never get him or having a date with him." I mumbled to myself.


The next day, went like usual. It seems to be a little weird here. Our choreographer said, the competition will have a couple dance battle. I'm nervous right now. Who will he take? Me or anyone? But if me.. I might die because I have to dance with a boy. Damn! I don't want it.

"Look, I have decide that the boy that will dance on that day is LuHan. The girl...." Luhan??! He walked to the girls and looked one by one. When he stopped infront of me. I gasped softly. He take a look over me from head to toe. "Sir! If you want me to dance with her. I'm okay with that." Luhan said. My mouth slightly opened.

What the... He said... What ... No.. It can't be me.

"Did you heard that? Luhan want to dance with you." One of a girl whispered to me. I slowly nodded. "Are you serious Luhan? Yeah, couple dance need a chemistry. So, you, Irene. I hope you have a chemistry with him if you don't. I might choose anyone else." I nodded.

I admit it that I want to dance with him. But.. Can I facing him? Oh no. I might make a mistake! Andwae! It's embarassing. Etteokaji?!!

"Irene, why are your face is red?! Are you okay?" Sojin exclaimed. All eyes on me. I palm my face and my eyes suddenly stop at him. He chuckled while looking at me. "Sojin! I'm not! Stop it." I hit her arms. She laughed loudly.

Yahh, why are she always like this?! Psh. Oh God, he looked at me just now. He must be saw my red face. Andwae! I can't face him like this.

"Okay! Irene and Luhan you two can start practice today. I will teach you all step." He said. He went beside me. The others started to dance. Me and Luhan left hanging here. I don't know what topic I should talk about. I cleared my throat.

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