In The Beginning

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"Hey Sol your either out busy, sleeping, or just sitting there depressed. I'm just reminding you that your plane leaves at 9am..... please tell me that your remembered. If not.. you agreed to watch my kids while I'm in Morocco for work, which is for two months. Also the oldest is Ryder, he's 14, Luna is 9, and Greyson is 5 months old. They'll call you Aunt Sol or Auntie S, I told them your my baby sister just so you know....... And Sol please, don't lose your temper. Luve ya!" 

Sol plays back her older sister's message. A deep sigh escapes her as she runs a scarred hand through her long unruly blonde hair. She really loved Emilia but sometimes she just hates her friend. Trudging up the stairs Sol begins to pick up her strewn clothes and shoving them into a suit case. 

After a long and tiring flight Sol trudges to the baggage claim to only find her bags sitting next to a tall, emotionless, blonde Swedish woman. Sol blinks then shouts "Sve!" as she runs towards the woman with a grin. Sol starts to talk to Emilia in rapid Danish as the two head to Emilia's car. 


The two sit in the kitchen waiting for Emilia's neighbor to drop Greyson off. They converse between their native language(s) when the doorbell rings and Emilia gets up to answer the door.   She walks back to the kitchen holding her youngest Greyson and hands him off to Sol who looks at her wide eyed. "My cab should be here any minute. You'll do fine Sol, trust me." Emilia says before hearing the honk of the cab and walks out the door leaving a stunned Sol in the kitchen. 

Greyson wakes up and stares Sol dead in the eye. She quirks an eyebrow at the infant's unusual eye color, but then again she can't say anything because she has unusual eyes too. 'Emilia was right I would like Greyson and his unusualness that I find oddly fitting.' All of Emilia's children have green eyes and brown hair with the exception of Grayson, who has red eyes and white hair. 

After playing with Greyson for a while the front door opens. The sound of a young girl playfully arguing with her older brother reaches Sol's ears. Luna walks into the kitchen and opens the fridge, not noticing Sol or Greyson. Then Ryder walks in, Sol just about keels over at the sight of the teen. She knew he was going to be a heartthrob when he got older but she didn't expect for him to start looking like that now. 

"So what do you two want for dinner?" Sol asks the two older children scaring the day lights out of them by her sudden appearance. Both children look at her for a moment before realization dawns on them. "Aunt/Auntie Sol!" They shout as they rush over to hug her in happiness. 'Oh yeah I'm the cool aunt. Suck it Norge!' Sol thinks to her self as the kids begin to ask her thousands of questions. 


She checks the time and hands Greyson to Ryder so she can make dinner. After a dinner full of laughs Sol sends the off to wash up and go to bed. Getting Greyson to bed was a piece of cake for Sol but getting Luna to bed wasn't. "Come on Lu time for bed." 

"I don't wanna!"

"If you go to bed the magical dream fairies will visit you and you can play with them in your dreams."

Right as Sol says that, Luna scrambles into bed. Sol tucks Luna in and kisses her forehead and leaves the room but not before hearing "Good night mommy." Sol stiffens at that but understands why. Emilia isn't around much and when she is she's distant and unemotional. Sol walks back to her room and changes into her pjs and plops face first into her bed instantly falling asleep. 

The sound of Greyson wailing at 2 in the morning snaps Sol out her sleep. She stumbles to the infants room and finds that he just needed a diaper change. Picking up Greyson she walks to the kitchen to throw the diaper out when she smells something odd and it's not the diaper. Sniffing the air for another second her pupils dilate in fear and she runs to Luna's room. Bursting in the room she shakes the 9 year old awake and slings her on her back. 

The smell grows stronger and Sol picks up her pace as she runs to Ryder's room. Throwing a glass of water on the teen she wakes him up and grabs his arm. "What's going on?" He asks confused by Sol's actions. "We have to get out NOW!" Sol shouts while trying to find the exit. "Damn house has to be so large!" She yells in frustration. Ryder smells the air and realizes why Sol is so frantic, there's a gas leak somewhere in the house. 

Sol hears the heater kick on and she freezes for a second. She sees the door and runs faster. It took too long to find the door when the heater fully turns on and ignites the gas. She throws herself over the children in an attempt to save their lives but it proves to be futile. She only feels pain for a second and then her world goes black. 

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