Challenge Life

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Sol wakes up to the feeling of discomfort and a burning pain. Then it hits her. Trying to exit the house. The explosion and then black. She scrambles to get up but her movements feel awkward. She looks down at her body expecting severe burns but finds none. Instead she sees a red and black metal body. She moves her arms and finds that the metal arms move with her and she freezes coming with a conclusion.

A slab of shiny reflective metal is several feet away from her. Walking to the sheet she starts to shake. A tall metal woman with the colors black and red and optics exactly like her own eyes looks back at her shaking. Sol comes to terms with herself that the metal woman in the reflection is her after several minutes of shock. The more she thinks about it the more she wants to laugh, her new body is an exact replica of her human one complete with her signature clothes. A noise comes from behind her and Sol tenses.

A quiet whimper comes from a little ways from where she sits. Not trusting her new legs just yet, Sol slowly crawls towards the sound to be met with a pure white metal infant with red highlights and optics. She realizes who it is and scoops up Greyson. He whimpers and clutches to her new body. Sol feels unbridled terror and hunger hit her, the feelings are not hers but she has an idea who's they are. Poking the bond gently and she sends love and safety back and Greyson stops whimpering.

Sol hears another noise and quickly crawls towards it. She finds another metal child that reminds her of Luna. The child wakes up and latches to Sol while crying. "Mommy what happened?! Why do you look different?!" The child, Sol knew to be Luna cries.

Luna has the same forest green optics she had as a human and her metal colors were two different shades of green with a little white and pink here and there. In other words she looked like a metal Luna, which she was. Sol sent feelings of comfort and placidness to Luna who calms down but is still latched to her.

Sol looks around and finds Ryder (or at least she thinks it's Ryder) who hasn't woken up yet. She pokes the bond to him and he wakes up, emerald green optics looking at her in confusion. Sol shakes her head at Ryder's new form. Ryder is now mainly a red color with black and white lines and gold swirls designs across his body. 'Still looks like a heartthrob.' She thinks to herself with an amused look.


Searching through her brain- processor for information she discovers that they're on a planet called Cybertron and they are Cybertronians. Sol sends her knowledge through her bonds to both Ryder and Luna. The one thing Sol knows that not all four of them have is wings. Luna is the only one of the four without wings but has door wings instead. They sit in a somewhat clean area while they test and check out their new bodies.

Sol found out she has a long axe, dual short axes, several daggers, a multitude of explosives, a Cybertonian version of a Browning M2 Aircraft (it's the gun Roadblock uses in the contest against Duke in G.I. Joe Retaliation), magnetic mod, and a small medipack. Ryder has a long axe like Sol, a bull fighting sword(?), Cybertonian blasters, warp mod, and a medipack.

For some reason Luna also has things in her subspace like Sol and Ryder. She has a large collection of frying pans-why? we will never know-, medipack, phase shifter mod, and a high powered sniper rifle. Greyson's only defense is his sharp claws due to being a seeker and only a sparkling. All four of the are seekers, even Luna who has door wings.

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