Saying Goodbye (For Now)

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After several deca-cycles of the reuniting of the Ice Trine (Serenity, Nitros, and Sol) and their creations a decision made by the elder trine members that stuns the younger a trine member.

"You want to go where?!" Sol shouts both out loud and over the trine bond making her sisters cringe at her volume. Serenity lays a servo on her youngest sister's shoulder to comfort her as Nitros informs Sol of their decision. "We want to move to Vos. We are seekers and Vos is home to seekers. We are doing to benefit the creations." Nitros unemotionally says to Sol in the attempt to make her understand their reasoning.

"What about Prismacolor? What about Luna?! She's a door winger not a flyer! She won't be able to function in Vos and we can't leave her here in Praxus!" Serenity winces at Sol's accurate argument. She knows that her youngest creation isn't a winged seeker but she still has pure seeker blood running through her veins. She also knows that Sol has a point and even though everyone else in their family unit will be fine Prismacolor wouldn't.

"We are going to Vos." Nirtos states slowly and coldly and in response Sol begins to screech in anger. -I SAID WE ARE GOING TO VOS. I AM THE TRINE LEADER AND WHAT I SAY GOES.- Nitros enforces over the trine bond while using the full force of her leadership position on Sol who is now reduced to a whimpering and submissive youngling. -You didn't have to use your entire leadership power on her.- Serenity says softly over the bond while she comforts Sol. -She must learn Serenity. She would still rebel if I didn't, her will is unbreakable. Even now I still sense a spark of defiance in her current state.-

Once Sol recovered from being forced into submission she quickly grabs several energon goodies she made earlier and takes off. Her trine members don't try and stop her for they know that she is only leaving to say her goodbyes before they leave in few groons.

Sol half sprints half flys to the Elite Guardsmen academy and she sends a small ping to Smokescreen's comm. link to find his realities location. Location: outdoor training ground. Action: aerial drop in.

She flys past the sentries and ignore the orders to halt as she maneuvers to the training field. She hovers just out of the range of Smokescreen's sensors as she looks for the him. Scuffed and scratched white and baby blue armor glints in the sunlight and the sounds of fighting reverberate through the training area. "Target: locked. Initiating thrusters: preparing for take off. 3, 2, 1... Take Off!"

"FOR NARNIA!" Sol screams out as her war cry. She rockets down towards her target with her faceplates are twisted into a snarl and her claws are out stretched. A loud CLANG of metal hitting metal sounds through the training area as Sol makes impact.

The dust clears and Smokescreen is pinned down by a red and black seeker. All of academy students and their training instructor act on their trained instinct and whip out their blasters and take aim at the seeker. A wheeze of vents trying to circulate systems after the wind knocked out of them fills the silence.

The tension in the air is thick enough that it could be cut with a knife. Laughter erupts from Smokescreen and the others become confused on why he is laughing. "You got me good Sol. What is it 5 to 3 now?" He asks the seeker with evident humor.

A low whine leaves the seeker who then collapses against Smokescreen. "Sol? What's wrong?" The seeker, Sol looks up at him with energon tears rolling down her faceplates. "I don wanna go! B-but they said we have to cause it would benefit the young ones." She cries out, her strange accent growing thicker with every word.

What she just said makes his processor stall once he processed her statement. ".....Sol when are you leaving?"

"This orn. I don't even have a groon to spend with you."

Sol looks down at Smokescreen's chassis and vents in anger at her trine mates. Many stupid and risky plans on how to stay in Praxus filter through her processor. Smokescreen recognizes Sol's expression to be her I'm thinking of a stupid and very risky plan expression appear on her faceplates.

"Don't even think about it."

"Think about what?"

"Your not carrying out one of your stupid plans to try and stay here in Praxus."

"Buuuttt I don't wanna leave! I hate that Nitros and Serenity are making us go to Vos! I like it here and the seekers in Vos are fra- forpulede røvhuller!"

Smokescreen just rolls his optics at Sol's substitute for the curse but he was pretty sure her substitute wasn't a substitute in the strange language she speaks sometimes. Just before Smokescreen was about to respond Sol's smile disappears and her optics grow cold and hard.

Sol gets up and slide her visor over her optics and readies her thrusters for take off. "Remember this Smokescreen, in war everyone is a pawn, everyone is controlled be something greater than them, remember who the true enemy is. Do not let the dark side tempt you." Sol says to her friend before taking to the air and disappearing from sight to never be seen again.

"I will Sol, I will remember."

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