Her Secret Journal

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Marinette Dupain-Cheng was in the art room, all by herself. She was writing in her journal, the door was shut and Tikki was asleep in her bag. She was crying as she wrote her thoughts and feelings about the Chat Blanc incident. Everytime her eyes closed, she just relived that moment in time. When Alya walked in, scaring Marinette which made her unintentionally slam her head on the desk making a loud noise. "Ow!" She said as everyone began laughing. Alya walked over and wrapped her arm around Marinette. "What were you writing in that journal? It's werid that you use that instead of your diary." Alya said looking at her best friend. "It's nothing special. Just my thoughts and feelings- boring stuff ya know." Marinette said blushing gently as Adrien and Nino walked into the room. "There you are, Marinette. We have been looking for you." Adrien said looking at her with his signature smile. "So what were you writing about just now?" Alya looked at her blue haired friend. She looked down at her journal and blushed. "Oh it's nothing, honest." She said as Chloé and Lila walked into the room behind her. "Let's find out." Lila said as she stole it from Marinette's hands. "Lila! Give! It! Back! Now!" Marinette yelled at her as she reached over and tried to grab it but Lila tossed it over to Chloé. She caught it and ran. Marinette shoved Lila into the row of desks and ran after Chloé. Adrien, Nino and Alya all followed after them. "Chloé give it back!" Marinette yelled. "So tell me, when exactly did Chat Noir get akumatized?" Chloé asked her. "That is none of your business, Chloé. You had no right to read my journal." She said as Marinette struggled to get her journal back from Chloé when Kim grabbed and held her down as Sabrina tied her up. She was reliving the events of Chat Blanc. 'The girls were all outside Collège Françoise Dupont. Alix was navigating around some cones on her roller skates. "Today's the day, I can feel it!" Alya said as she looked at her friends. "Bet you my skates she won't do it." Alix said to them. "And I'll bet my favorite unicorn plush that she will!" Rose said happily. "Oh, Marinette." Mylène said as Alya, Rose, and Juleka look over at her. What?" They asked as they saw the cute outfit that Marinette was wearing. "Aw..." They said together. "I was thinking maybe Adrien doesn't like berets, or what if he hates it when people celebrate his fifth name's day? Or... maybe he wouldn't want to know that I love him?" Marinette said coming up with excuses to back out. Alix stuck her hand out to Rose. "Don't worry, Princess Twinkle Peach will be happy with me." She said as Rose handed her unicorn plush over to Alix. "The only way you'll know is to tell him how you really feel!" Alya said. "I know, but...." She said as she reached for something in the picnic basket but Rose shuts it before she could get it. "That's it, Marinette! No more picnics, sleepovers, or going to the movies with us until you give him that gift! You made that hat for Saint Athanasius Day, which is today! How is Adrien's supposed to know you're thinking of him on his fifth name's day if you don't give him your gift?" Rose said happily. "She's right. Today is the day!" Alya said agreeing. "Go, go, go, go, go, go!" All of her friends said encouragingly. "Rise and shine! Behold, the goddess of self-confidence has awakened!" Mylène said. Marinette ran up the stairs as her friends are chanting. "And don't forget the card!" Alya yelled as Marinette made her way to the subway. She then got on a train. "Are you really gonna do this?" Tikki asked her. "I am, Tikki, and you know what I won't take for an answer?" She asked her oldest friend. "No." Tikki said. "That's right, Tikki!" She said softly as they reached their stop. She got out and walked to the mansion.' A slap to her face by Lila brought her back to reality. "No! Let me go, Sabrina! Kim! Chloé!" Marinette yelled as Alya, Nino and Adrien rushed in. "Oh the calvary has finally arrived. Shall I tell them or you?" Chloé asked her. "Don't you dare!" Marinette threatened. "Tell us what?" Alya asked curiously as ran over to help Marinette but was stopped by Kim. "Why her dirtiest secret of all of course." Chloé said smirking as her minions grabbed and tied up the others. Nino mouth was taped shut. "Chloé stop this and let us go!" Marinette said as she struggled against the tight ropes.

"Let's start from the beginning shall we? 'They say home is where the heart is. When you leave your broken childhood home, and venture out into the world. You can feel it calling for you, but you could just leave a small piece of you behind. If you are one of the lucky ones - the ones who manage to forget your pain and suffering- then you will have a peaceful life. Yet if you are like my White Chat, and remember everything that happened before and after he was akumitized then you would be broken.'" Chloé read aloud from Marinette's journal. "White Chat? Wait? Chat Noir was akumatized?" Alya asked as she was tied to the chair. Marinette was horrified as she looked over at her friends. "Wait what?" Adrien yelled looking over at Marinette who was struggling against the tight ropes. "Please! Chloé, Stop!" Marinette yelled crying gently as the others struggled against their restraint. "Please Stop, I'm begging you. I don't want to relive it anymore." She begged Chloé tears flowing down her cheeks. "I don't think I will. I want everyone to know your deepest secret." Chloé said as she flipped the page. "Chloé, why are you doing this to us? I thought we were friends." Adrien asked her as he struggled against his restraints. "Because Mari-trash needs to learn her place. Anyways let's continue reading, 'He was left all alone in a desolate, flooded city with his feelings and thoughts. After a while he grew cold and mean but it was only because he was heartbroken and lonely. He knew that deep within his heart, that he did not belong in the mortal world. He wasn't supposed to be alone. He was supposed to be with his lady and all of their friends.'" Chloé read from the journal as she sat on top of Madame Bustier's desk. She continue recalling the memories of her experience with Chat Blanc. Marinette was fading back and forth between reality and her memories. 'When she arrived at the Agreste Mansion, she pressed the button and waited. "Yes?" Nathalie said through camera speakers. "Is Adrien here? I'm a friend of his." Marinette asked. "No." Nathalie replied. "Okay, well, um... Uh, when will he be back?" Marinette asked. "I can't tell you. Goodbye, young lady." She said through the speakers before the camera got covered. Marinette sighed and checked her phone. "But Adrien's fencing class ended 27 minutes ago! He should be back by now!" She said. "Maybe you can give him his present tomorrow at school?" Tikki said. "No. You heard what Rose said. I can't back out again." Marinette said as she ran farther. "Since he's not back yet, I can go through the window!" She said softly. "Oh, no no no! You know it's not a good idea to use your powers for personal reasons." Tikki said as she looked at her holder. "I'll be quick, Tikki, no one will ever know!" She said as she ran past the bodyguard's car. Adrien noticed Marinette and smiles. Marinette smiled back as she ran into an alleyway. "Tikki, spots on!" She said and transformed. Ladybug entered Adrien's room through the open window. Ladybug gasped as she looked around. "Adrien's trophies... Adrien's basketball hoop... Adrien's foosball table..." She said as she lightly brushed her hand against his desk. "Adrien's desk... Adrien's video games..." She said as she laid down on his bed. "Adrien's bed..." She said as she grabbed and smelled Adrien's pillow. "Adrien's scent..." She said as she sat up. "Adrien's present!" She said as she placed the gift on his pillow and began to leave but turned around. "The card, I forgot the card! Uh..." She said as she picked up a pencil from Adrien's desk and signed it. "This should do. 'Signed, Marinette.'" She said as she put the pencil back and leaves through the window. She was running along rooftops when a portal opened up and Bunnyx stepped out. "Bunnyx?" Ladybug asked her. "Minibug, something happened today that caused a major disaster in the future. I'm not sure what it was or when it happened exactly. Nothing unusual to report on your side?" Bunnyx asked her. "Uh..." Ladybug thought for a moment. "Think, Minibug, think!" She encouraged. "Uh... no?" Ladybug said. "Ugh! In my burrow, now!" Bunnyx said as she grabbed Ladybug's wrist and pulled her into her time travel burrow. "Wow, it's a lot bigger on the inside!" She said said as Bunnyx placed her hand on a circle. Ladybug ran over to two other circles and does the same, unblurring one with a dinosaur and the other of a city. Bunnyx noticed and placed a bowl on top of Ladybug's head. "What's that for?" Ladybug asked. "You wanna know what you're getting for your next birthday?" Bunnyx asked her. "No, of course not." Ladybug replied. "Exactly." Bunnyx said as she guided Ladybug to one of the circles. "What about you? You know about all your birthday presents?" Ladybug asked her. "I know about... some of them." She said as she unblurred one of the circles, showing a flashback to Alix getting the watch. "Normally, we have to avoid interfering with past or present events as much as possible, but this is really serious, Minibug." She added as she tried to push Ladybug into one of the circles but her right hand glitches and becomes intangible. "Our future is in danger! I need your help." She said as she used her left hand to push Ladybug in before following after her. Bunnyx took the bowl off Ladybug's head. "What happened here?" Ladybug asked her. "The less you know about the future, the better. Just do your thing: capture the Akuma and restore order. Then, the train will be back on track." Bunnyx said as they looked up to the destroyed moon, and the Eiffel Tower which had collapsed. Bunnyx turned around to return to her burrow. "You're not staying?" Ladybug asked her.' She said as she came back to reality as Chloé kept going. "I'm so sorry, I couldn't protect you guys." Marinette said as she looked at them with tears in her eyes. "It was my fault. It was all my fault." Marinette said as tears flowed down her cheeks. "'He never even dared to think that he had failed her because he knew that he was the one who had held her hand. He knew the he was the one she trusted the most as he held her in his arms as she cried. He knew that he was the one who had always quelled her rage, and inspired goodness in her. Unlike all the souls I have encountered in the long march of time, I will carry him with me. Always.'" She said as Marinette and the others struggled against their restraints. "That's beautiful, Mari-trash but it's meaningless he is gone after all." Chloé said, looking at the blue-haired girl. "Shut Up Chloé Bourgeois!" She yelled at her. "Whatever let's continue. 'So I guess that makes his soul and heart immortal. So now lay your head to rest and dream as if you will live forever, and live as if you'll die today. Do not be afraid. He has gone where many have gone before. Where even you and I will go in time. Just know, there will be no more pain. There will be no more sadness, pain or heartbreak, it is a place where you will only find peace.'" She said reading Marinette's poems and thoughts aloud to everyone. "'I want Chat Blanc to be here with me but I know that he can't be, so I just hope that he knows just how much I love him. Honestly, my love for him is beyond what words can describe. Those three simple words can change the world. So, I made him promise to smile and to always have hope even when it seems impossible. I also made him aware that he could always come and talk to me. It doesn't matter how fast he runs, the pain will always run faster.' This is so utterly ridiculous and so sappy! Dupain-Cheng is inlove with a dead guy how ironic. That's the only boy who ever loved you and you killed him." Chloé yelled before she turned the page and continued. "I didn't kill him! I did everything I could to save him! I loved him and he loved me. At least someone loves me unlike you." Marinette yelled at Chloé. "Please Stop, I'm begging you. I don't want to relive it anymore. I can't handle losing him all over again." She begged Chloé tears flowing down her cheeks as she faded back into her memories. '"Let's say I gotta stand ready to jump back into time and try something else, in case you fail. Mwah!" Bunnyx said as she returned to her burrow. Once she was gone, she looked around and saw a future Chat Noir singing to himself from distance. Chat Noir was akumatized into Chat Blanc, who was a completely white cat with a silver bell and blue eyes. "Little kitty on a roof..." Chat Blanc sang from a distance. "Chat Noir?" Ladybug whispered to herself. "...all alone without his lady." Chat Blanc continued singing from a distance as she moved towards him. "Chat Noir." She said more clearly. Chat Blanc turned around and saw Ladybug. "M'lady? I thought I'd lost you!" He said as he jumped down. "Oh, I was feline so sad that you were gone!" He said as Ladybug backed away as Chat Blanc stepped closed. "What's happened to you? No, don't tell me. We're gonna fix everything!" Ladybug said softly. "Of course we're gonna fix everything!" He said as he crawled around Ladybug like a cat. "Now that you're back and now that you're going to..." He said as he stood up and tried to grab her earrings. "Give me your Miraculous!" He yelled as Ladybug kicked him away from her. "My Miraculous? What's wrong with you, Chat Noir?" She asked him. "Sorry, I didn't mean to be rude, m'lady. Could you please hand me your Miraculous, please? Chat Blanc has... gotten into some mischief." He said as he looked at her. "You've been akumatized, Chat Noir." Ladybug said as she walked towards him. "You don't need my Miraculous, you need me to de-evilise you. Let me help you." She said as she wiped away Chat Blanc's tear. "Save me..." He whispered clearly heartbroken. "My poor kitty... tell me," She said sympathetically as she looked for it and held Chat Blanc's bell. "Do you remember where the Akuma went?" She asked as she looked down at his belt, then continued to look for the object. Chat Blanc held up his hands. Chat Blanc grabbed her hand and placed it on his chest. "Here! But it's already broken!" He said as he tried to grab Ladybug's earrings again but Ladybug tripped Chat Blanc making him fall before finally crawling away and jumped off the building, with Chat Blanc following her. "Now you're breaking more than my heart, Marinette!!" Chat Blanc yelled and Ladybug froze.' Marinette's mind faded back to reality. "People do love me, Mari-Trash. This is all so lovey dovey and depressing. Honestly, you really are pathetic Dupain-Cheng. You really are a waste of space." She said smirking evilly as she flipped to the next page.

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