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The flight was long and boring for both Kim and Dale. People were talking, listening to music, sleeping and some were just there in their own world. Few minutes later the plane landed in Canada and all the passengers got off the plane. Dale and Kim got their bags and proceeded to exit the airport to drive to the college dorm they will be staying in.

The girls entered the dorm building and headed towards the receptionist table." Hello we are here to get our dorm key please," Kim said to the receptionist, " Ok just give me you guys name and I will tell you," The receptionist said." My Kim and this is Dale," Kim said to the receptionist. The girls got their keys and dorm number and headed on there way.

Upon arriving at the dorm Dale pulled out a sign that says "DO NOT DISTURB" On the door. Entering the dorm the girls saw three doors, living room, dining room and kitchen they entered the first door and saw a bathroom. The next door was a bedroom and the next door was also a bed room.( picture of the dorm would be in the next chapter)

Kim and Dale impacted their bags and existed the dorm to look around the place they would be staying in for the next three years. They explored the cafeteria, classrooms, offices, gym, changing rooms and the schools security office. After looking around the girls headed back to their dorm to sleep since it was late. Entering the dorm the Kim and Dale entered their rooms and got their clothes to go bath.

After the girls took a bath they ate dinner and headed towards their rooms, eventually doing their own thing before heading to bed.

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