Eternity (Part 2)

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Takes place immediately following "Eternity (Part 1)".

"There ya go!"

The goblin held out a bulging cloth bag to the Maw Walker who accepted it with a gracious nod. It had taken the smaller being both hands to lift, but the Nightborne held it in her palm, as if assessing the weight. The goblin sniffed in disdain.

"You wanna count it, be my guest."

"Oh, no need," replied the Maw Walker. She dropped the bag onto the chaise beside her and gave the goblin an amused smile. "I know where to find you if you've shortchanged me."

The goblin's toothy grin slipped.

"Hey, hey, you know me! Honest as the day is long, right?"

"Well, that means very little here," pointed out Renathal from his position by the door. "As day and night are really more of a social construct in Revendreth."

The Maw Walker flashed a smile at Renathal over the creature's head. Renathal winked.

"Eh, it's a figure of speech," the goblin said, waving a dismissive hand. "Anyway!" He stuck the same hand out to the Maw Walker. "Pleasure doin' business with ya, as usual. Lemme know before ya move on the big blond in the castle. I got good odds on that one."

The Maw Walker shook the goblin's hand with a solemn nod.


The goblin hefted its rucksack over its arm, turned and doffed a large, flapping ear like a cap respectfully at the Dark Prince, and trundled out of his room.

"Strange bedfellows you keep," Renathal said darkly once the door was shut behind the being he now knew actually was some sort of healer, as well as the Maw Walker's self-appointed manager.

"I can assure you we have never kept the same bed," the Maw Walker replied. She got to her feet carefully, bringing the small jingling purse with her.

Renathal relaxed his formal stance and crossed the room to assist. He took the Maw Walker's elbow, in spite of her half-hearted protests, and helped support her short sojourn through Renathal's all-purpose Sinfall study and drawing room to his sleeping chamber. Although she'd been conscious for several days now, the Maw Walker was still using Renathal's room for rest as she recovered, a fact neither of them had commented on. She was improving exponentially - his hand on her arm more safeguard than necessity - but her powers had not fully returned, and she continued to spend most of her time asleep.

"That is not entirely true," said Renathal wryly as they passed into his bed chamber. "Your friend preferred the bed where you slept to any chair Draven offered. I believe there is still a stain from its shoes on the sheets.

This made the Maw Walker laugh. She set the bag of coins on the bedside table with a clink.

"I stand corrected," she said.

The Maw Walker shrugged out of the dressing gown she wore over the loosely tied white robe she still slept in, and laid it carelessly on top of the bag. Renathal stepped back to admire the view the thin material allowed.

"Speaking of beds," the Maw Walker said idly, turning around. "Where have you been sleeping while I've stolen yours?"

Renathal cleared his throat, trying not to be distracted by the Maw Walker's obvious lack of underclothing.

"Well, I have been exceptionally busy. And, fortunately, Venthyr need a great deal less rest than mortals."

"Hm. That is not entirely true," said the Maw Walker in gentle mockery. "Both Nadjia and Theotar have informed me that without a steady source of anima, Venthyr need a great deal of rest. Which is why Sinfall observes a more structured night and day than the rest of Revendreth."

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