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Do I believe in ghosts? No, I don't believe there is anything like ghosts out there, to begin with. It is only made-up stories to scare children. And I've never seen a ghost before. And I never will. Why am I even thinking about ghosts? Maybe that should be my Halloween costume tonight. A damn ghost. Halloween is my favorite holiday; it is the one time of the year I can dress up as anything I like and no one would judge the way I look.

Maybe I find ghosts amusing because I am one myself. I am a ghost in high school I have absolutely zero friends whatsoever and my life is just blank as it is. The only time people do see me is when the popular kids at school make fun of me or embarrass me in some dumb way.

Their words never bothered me. At least not that much. Only a few times have I wished the angel of death would just come and save me already. Why I am still alive, I don't know.

There is only one person I live for right now and it's my grandmother. She is the only one who understands me, not even my mother does. My father well I am the most pathetic creature in his eyes. I am a disappointment and so many other things I forgot the rest.

I am not depressed. I am happy, in some way. The one person I love most is the only reason I never gave up in this shitty life. My grandmother loves me, and cares for me, she's all I got. She's all I need shes my anchor in life.

I drive to her house every day after school, she usually tells me the most beautiful stories I've ever heard in my life. I could sit there with my grandmother on her porch for hours and never get bored with her stories.

My mother never really liked that I spent all my time with my grandma, she always says I would end up brainwashed, or something like that just to make me change my mind but I never do, she's been my favorite person ever since I was able to crawl.

I was always so different but she never treated me that way she treated me like I was normal like I was supposed to be treated by my parents but never was.

I am the weird girl in this weird small town. I like the color black; it has no emotion. I like the night because then it's the only time I can think, and cry on my own without someone asking me why. I like to wear comfortable clothes because then I feel more myself. I like listening to music it keeps my mind calm. I like the rain because it makes the earth alive just like it does to me. I like to read books. The old classic books, because of my grandmother. I love light night drives because it clears my head.

So, I am a common seventeen-year-old girl who loves every common thing but adores the little things even more.

I turn into my nanna's driveway with my 1980 dodge challenger, which use to be my grandfather's but he gave it to me before he passed away. It is the best car I could have ever asked for. I miss my grandfather he was the one who showed me a few things about cars. And he is the very reason I am a child of God, he made me believe in many things.

"Hey, Nana," I say smiling as I walk to the front porch. She lowers the book she is reading in her lap and smiles at me. "I got you some donuts from the café."

"Oh, Adylan How good to see you. How kind of you my dear." I kiss her on the cheek.

"Let's go make some tea."

I smile and help my grandma get up from her chair. She is very old. And I am sometimes extremally worried about her because she no longer can look after herself the way she used to.

I let her take a seat in the kitchen and make us both a cup of tea.

I take a seat next to my grandmother.

"How are you, Nana?"

"Oh, you know still breathing and alive as you can see." She gives me a kind smile.

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