Chapter one

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A thousand thoughts are going through my head at this moment. I am racing towards my grandmother's house at 120mph. Not worrying if I pass a red light or a stop sign. Nothing would be able to stop me at this moment absolutely nothing.

Something feels so wrong. But I have no idea what could be wrong. All I know is that I need to get to my grandmother before it's too late. It's the worst gut feeling I have ever felt in my entire life.

I step on the break just in front of my grandmother's home. I jump out of the car so fast I almost fall over my own feet but I keep my balance. I race up the porch and grab the doorknob. Dammit, it's locked.

"Nana!" I scream. Knocking on the door with my fists as hard as I can. "Please. Nana, please open the door!"

I knock and there is no answer. Panic sets in the pit of my stomach and it almost feels as if I can't breathe. She always answers the door.

I keep on knocking even though there isn't even a movement in the house.

I press my forehead against the door, a tear slowly slips from my eye. What is happening?

"Nana, please. Please open the door." I say calmly as I take a deep breath.

I let go of the doorknob and close my eyes. "Please," I whisper.

Click. I hear the door unlock. I open my eyes in surprise. I didn't think twice about it as I open the door wide and run inside the house.

"Nana!?" I scream.

There is no Answer, it is so quiet. Almost too quiet.

I don't like this.

I run into the living room searching the room. She's not here.

Oh, please be okay.

I run into the kitchen scanning the room. The atmosphere feels all wrong. There is something way off I can feel it. This feeling is something more than just a gut feeling.

And when I walk around the kitchen table, I saw my grandmother. My heartbeat slows and time seems to fade from me, all emotions seem to hit me at once. "No," a sob slips from my throat. My grandmother is on the floor, lying in a pool of blood, her blood.

I fall to my knees. "No," I say.

No. No. No.

I touch my grandmother's cheek slowly. Her skin is as cold as ice. Her lifeless eyes stared up at the ceiling. There is so much blood. There is blood everywhere. The wounds on her body look like scars as if an animal attracted her.

I forgot how to breathe. I can't take the oxygen into my lungs without it completely killing me inside. I take my grandmother's body into my arms and press her close to me. I can't think. It's almost like the world has ripped a part of my soul away.

I let out a scream of pain. Holding the one person I cared most for in my arms. Afraid to let go of the one thing that kept me going on in life, my only lifeline. My grandmother.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." I keep repeating those same words. As if by some miracle it can fix everything.

"I should have stayed." I cry.

"I love you, Nanna. I'm so sorry." I brush her cheek with my thumb. "You... Can't leave now. You still have to see me finish school...remember? You... You can't leave. Please." I say even though I know she was already long gone. But I beg. I won't... I can't and won't accept the fact that she is... not breathing. Not moving. Not smiling anymore.

I press her to my chest crying and screaming in pain.

What am I supposed to do now?

I need to get help. Call for help.

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