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The new recruits were woken the next morning by the clanging of pots and pans. A man with curly red hair and enormous arms walked around the barracks with the kitchen ware, clashing them together as he passed people sleeping. Hylians jerked awake, Taro almost falling off of the bunk above Link.

"Mornin' rats! Up and at 'em!" The man shouted. Mutters and curses echoed around the room. One kid dared to tell the man to stop.

The man chewed him out with the most colorful language Link had ever heard. "Who the hell do you think you are? Guess what," he boomed to the group. His voice drew the attention of everyone in the room. "I'm your squad captain, Captain Finnian. You will address me as such and if you ever," he jammed a finger in the kid's face, "question me, I will make you regret it."

Breakfast was held in the commissary. It was cold but not unpleasant.

Afterwards, Captain Finnian led them out to the training yards where some of the older squads were already getting started. Link yearned to be over there with them. He was used to training at this time of the morning. It was unclear whether or not his age would restrict his position.

The Captain brought them to a halt. "Alright, rats. Before we get anywhere, I need to see how many of you know how to use a sword."

They'd all been told to bring their wooden weapons. Young Hylians in the crowd played with them, clacking them together in mock fights. Finnian brought those who were roughhousing to the front of the crowd with their wooden swords. He demonstrated how to hold a sword so it balanced in your hand properly. Then, he asked the crowd to raise their hands if they knew how to handle one.

Link and a dozen others raised their hands, Taro included.

Finnian brought Taro and another lad forward. He put them opposite each other and said, "Whoever disarms the other, wins."

The bout was poorly executed in Link's standards and lasted about forty-five seconds. It consisted entirely of Taro attempting to disarm his opponent, and his opponent running around to avoid him. Link watched Finnian scowl at the other boy's cowardice and almost smiled to himself.

Hylians were called up in pairs to test their skills. One or two of them had something to work with, but most of those who said they could handle a sword were only able to hold it properly. Finally, Link and his wooden sword were called. The Master Sword lay sheathed at his side, and though Link was sure he appeared presumptuous, there was nothing he could do about it. He must not chance losing such an artifact.

Link faced his opponent. It was a girl a couple years older than him. Her hands were calloused and rough from swordplay or farming, Link couldn't tell. He was about to find out.

Finnian gave them the word to begin, and the girl launched herself at Link. Link brought up his sword to parry her attack. He was surprised at her strength--she must've seen the sword at his side and assumed he knew what he was doing, so she wasn't pulling her punches. Her long brown hair flew behind her as she drew her arm back for another swing.

Her hands were roughened from swordplay, then. She was talented. Not a lot of women enlisted in Hyrule's army, but this girl wanted it enough to prepare.

Link didn't want to disrespect her by letting it go on for very long.

He disarmed her in two swift moves. She stood stricken, her wooden weapon penetrating the soft ground. She lifted her gaze from the quivering hilt and met his eyes. She clenched her jaw and scowled.

The crowd and Captain Finnian were silent. After a moment, he said, "Where did you learn that, boy? I've only ever seen my Captain move like that."

Link only looked at him.

Sword of Destiny [The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild]Where stories live. Discover now