1 - Drunk and Depressed

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Chapter 1Five's pov:

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Chapter 1
Five's pov:

Sitting on the wooden floor, my head rested against the wall as it throbbed in pain. Random images flashed in my mind endlessly.

Images of the first apocalypse - stranded in front of the burnt mansion with my siblings laid lifeless on the ground

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Images of the first apocalypse -
stranded in front of the burnt mansion with my siblings laid lifeless on the ground. Images of the second apocalypse - losing my family again. Images of the final apocalypse - where I lost my family again. Forever.

Repeatedly I went back in time to save my family and they always blamed me. Was it my fault I went in the future and got stranded there for more than 40 years?! Yes it was apparently. Everyone can make mistakes and nothing happens but me. Hah! Me? No. If I didn't go to the future by accident then we would've all suffered in 9 days. All because of Vanya. I saved these ungrateful bitches but what do they do in return? Lecture me and blame me for everything.

I saved them again from the second apocalypse and this time we did make it back to the right timeline but an alternate version. Where our lovely father adopted the other children - The Sparrows. How can my stupid siblings blame me for Sir Reginald Hargreeves adopting the other children? How the fuck is that my fault?!

Oh and it keeps getting worse. Finally we prevented the final apocalypse. The THIRD ONE! And what do I get in return? Huh! My family abandoning me. After everything we went through, they all wanted to erase these painful, unpleasant memories that tortured us for I don't even know how long. I don't blame them but come on. How can they leave me just like that? How could they walk out on me as if I were nothing but a piece of garbage?

My brain has been suffering endlessly ever since the first apocalypse. I couldn't figure out why at first but after spacial jumping through time, I then realized. With each spacial jump I had done, my brain began to alter and change. It seemed that it couldn't handle spacial jumping through a large gap in time. I didn't notice it until the severe pounding in my head that came after every spacial jump through time. At first the headaches weren't that serious but after the final spacial jump, I realized my brain had been completely warped.

Sighing, I dragged the bottle of Whiskey and poured it in my mouth. At this point I was as drunk as a skunk but I couldn't care less. The throbbing in my head didn't leave me at all. I couldn't tell if it was because of the hangover or just my brain being tortured.

I wish I didn't care so much about my family and tried to save them because in the end I was left alone. Just me. Only me. My eyes slowly shut as I tried to forget my crappy life.

"Five?" My eyes fluttered open as I saw a petite girl kneeling down in front of me. Her eyes filled with worry as her long, black hair rested on her shoulders. I smiled unconsciously. Hail was so beautiful, I was always mesmerized by her.

"Oh my god Five! What the fuck? You're so drunk." I giggled as she responded with a scoff. Stealing my whiskey bottle I whined.

"Five you're not drinking anymore. And jesus you stink." More giggles escaped my mouth as I still had my head rested against the wall. I saw her roll her eyes which aroused me. She was so hot for doing the absolute minimum.

Looking back, Hail has always been there for me. She's the only family I have left now that I think about it. I was so miserable that I blocked her out from my memories but she was always there. She was the only one that never blamed me for any of this shit hole to happen. I loved her more than I could imagine but I didn't know if she felt the same. Maybe she just saw me as her older brother. That would be fucking disgusting. No, there was definitely tension I could always sense between us. She was different to anyone I've ever interacted with. Badass. Sexy. Cute. Hot as fuck. She was perfect. I've always wanted her but I didn't have the guts to make her mine. Now I will.

"Five, let's go. I'll take you to your room." She leaned in closer, draping her arm around my waist as I rested my arm on her shoulder. Before she could lift me up, I faced her. My eyes examined her majestic face. I could see myself through her pitch, black orbs that I adored so much. Shifting my gaze to her plump, pink lips I felt my dick hardening as I craved for our lips to melt in each other's embrace.

"Hail baby, maybe we should sleep together." Leaning in, I whispered in her ear ''I'd make you feel so good baby.'' I began kissing her neck as I felt her gasp. I smirked as I continued peppering her with my kisses. Trailing my hand under her shirt, I groped her clothed breast earning another endearing moan from this beauty.

"Five, we shouldn't." She panted but I didn't stop sucking her neck, leaving an exquisite, purple mark as I continued massaging her breast.

"Mmm baby why not?" I teased her, trailing my fingers down her stomach to the hem of her jeans.

"Because you're drunk and I don't want you to regret what you might do." I smirked.

"Always such a good girl hmm. But baby, you should know that when I'm drunk I do and say shit that I mean." With that I lowered my slender fingers through her panties ready to circle her bud until she grabbed my arm and gently pushed it away. Glaring at her, all I saw were her rosy tinted cheeks as she stumbled on her words. I smirked once again. She wanted me as badly as I wanted her.

"Five, I'm being serious. And if you do wanna fuck me then do it when you're sober cause I don't want us to fuck and then the next day you'd forget about it cause then that would hurt like hell." Poking my tongue in my cheek, my eyes darkened.

"Baby, what do you mean it "would hurt like hell?" Hmm? Do you have a crush on me baby? Would you be upset if I forgot what happened between us which would mean so much to you? Hmm?'' Hail's face flushed red as I figured out what she had always wanted to be kept in the dark. She scoffed

"No, of course not. Why would you say that? I'm just saying that if we fucked then..." Her voice trailed off as I slowly rested my head on her shoulder, soon engulfed by a deep slumber.

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