2 - So much for breakfast

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Chapter 2
Hailey's pov:

Stroking Five's brown hair, I gazed at him as he hugged my waist. It was a nightmare getting him in bed. He weighed a ton or maybe I'm just weak? Either way, as soon as I laid him down on his soft mattress, he immediately snuggled up to me. I felt a light blush on my cheeks as I watched him snoring peacefully.

After we stopped the THIRD APOCALYPSE, all our so-called "siblings" had abandoned us, like we were nothing but a pair of ugly ducklings. I could sense how heartbroken Five was but he never talked about it.

After our siblings abandoned us, me and Five had made our way to our house - The Umbrella Academy. Once we had arrived there, it was completely empty. Full of solitude. It seemed that no one had been living there.

We thought we could settle down there since we had nowhere else to go.

After three days of staying here, I noticed every night at around 2am, Five would creep downstairs and have a couple of drinks. I hated how he was torturing himself. He didn't deserve this.

Our siblings should have been grateful for everything Five had done. I was. He could've easily refused to warn us about the first apocalypse, allowing us to suffer in vain but he helped us. How could they forget everything so easily and try to live their lives? I've tried to forget but the horrors and nightmares don't stop. My nightmares are always the same.

Another apocalypse. If three wasn't enough, my mind tried to convince me that there would be another terrifying apocalypse.

I shivered recalling my crazy nightmares. At this point, if another apocalypse comes knocking at our door, I might just slam the door shut.

I'm so sick and tired of apocalypses. I just want a break. Thankfully, we no longer have to fight for our lives or use our brains to figure out a way to prevent apocalypses. And the best part is, Five can rest now. Even though it's difficult to cope after everything that happened, we should move on. But for some reason, the anxiety in the pit of my stomach doesn't vanish but rather increases. It seems too good to be true to have a break from all this chaos and havoc but I should be grateful for this rest.

Laying down comfortably next to Five, I snuggled in my pillow while Five's grip on my waist tightened. I could feel his breath fan over my exposed neck. Darkness soon enveloped me and slumber took over.

I awoke to a groaning Five who held his head with his hand as he was feeling the intense headache from all the whiskey he drank. Sitting up, I gazed at him, letting a little giggle out as I saw his crazy hair that resembled a birds nest.

"What are you laughing about?" Five scoffed.

"Nothing. You look really cute." Five's cheeks flushed to a shade of cotton candy as a small smile crept on his lips.

"Hah, don't I always look cute?" Five questioned, trying to hide his blushed cheeks with his usual sarcasm.

"Yeah but it doesn't change the fact that you're still short."

"HEY! I'm still taller than you." Five replied back with a little huff. I laughed at his grumpy face.

Scurrying out the warm bed, I made my way to the bathroom and freshened up, while Five remained in bed - groaning from the immense headache. Finishing up from the bathroom, I made my way downstairs as Five went into the bathroom straight after me. The fresh smell of pancakes surrounded me as I flipped pancake after pancake, waiting for Five to come down.

My ears perked up as I heard the creaking of the stairs, indicating that Five was on his way down to the kitchen. Grabbing the aspirin and a glass of water, I placed it on the kitchen counter while Five sat at the counter - across from me. He chugged down the water, swallowing the aspirin; leaving a satisfied sigh. My eyes remained glued on Five as he looked breathtaking doing the most simple things.

"I think the pancakes are burning." Five's voice snapped me out of my daze as I quickly turned around to only be met with a pitch, black pancake. A frustrated sigh left my mouth as I glared at the once beautiful pancake that was currently inedible. Discarding the pancake, I began to make another one. A gasp left my mouth as a pair of arms encircled my waist. Five rested his head on my shoulder, while I remained frozen in place. My breath hitched in my mouth as I felt a small kiss on my neck. My cheeks began to resemble a strawberry as Five continued to pepper my neck with cute kisses.

"Did you really think I forgot about last night baby?" I felt a small shiver as Five whispered huskily in my ear. Slowly turning my body towards him - he was now gripping on to my waist as his green eyes peered at my soul.

"What about the pancakes? Don't you wanna eat the pancakes?" I saw a small smirk form on Five's face.

"Baby, I wanna eat something else. Something more creamy." My eyes widened in shock as my face was now completely flushed. I could see my reflection in his beautiful emerald eyes as I continued to stare at him. Shifting from his eyes to his pink lips, Five licked his lips, making my legs crumble. He was so fucking hot for no reason. With a blink, I saw Five inches away from my lips, slowly closing the gap until all the windows shattered. Immediately me and Five looked up and saw men in black suits with guns surrounding us. More men barged in from the front door; entering the kitchen. We were completely surrounded. Five stood in front of me, holding my arm tightly as he tried to figure out a way to escape. Using my telekinesis, I tried to get rid of their guns but nothing happened. What the fuck. I tried using my manipulation to take control of the armed mens mind but again nothing happened.

"Five, my powers aren't working." I whispered, causing Five's eyes to widen. Immediately, he tried to spacial jump but failed nonetheless.

"What the fuck do we do now?" Five whispered back.

"Don't move or we'll shoot. We're here to extract the two of you and take you to our Master." One of the men had said. Five gripped my arm more tightly.

"We're not going anywhere you fucktards." Five snapped back. I could sense he was frustrated and even more so since our powers weren't working.

"Five, the hidden backdoor on our right can get us out of here. And there are 2 pistols under the counter so we get the pistols, shoot some idiots and we're out of here." I told Five my plan - probably our only way out of this hellhole.

"Yeah but that's risky. One of us could get hurt." I rolled my eyes. Where is the aggressive, violent Five when I need him?

"Doesn't matter. It's our only way out."

"Enough quarreling you two and come with us."

"In your motherfucking dreams. Now!" Both Five and me ducked down and grabbed the pistols from under the counter. Quickly we shot the armed men causing bullets to fly in all directions. Multiple bullets were fired at us, making it more difficult to get up and scurry away from the hidden backdoor. The bullets soon quietened down as most of the men began to reload their rifles. This was our chance.

"Five now!" Dashing towards the hidden door, shots began to engulf the room once again. Ignoring the deadly bullets, we escaped through the door as Five followed behind me. Standing outside the Academy, Five rapidly held my waist and spacial jumped us out of here.

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