3 - No escape from chaos

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Chapter 3
Five's pov:

Panting heavily, I gazed at our surroundings. We were in a random alley way - away from all those men. Who the fuck were they? What did they want from us? My eyes landed on Hailey, who was currently hunched over. Her arm wrapped around her waist, covering the red stain. Eyes widening, I rushed towards her - gently removing her arm from her tiny waist. She hissed in agony as I saw the vulgar blood slipping out of her. They shot her.

"Fuck. Hail we need to get this treated." She looked up at me with tired eyes as I clung on to her body.

''It's fine. I've had worse. Remember how I got injured when we were stuck in the apocalypse together?'' I knew exactly what she was talking about. I despised those days and dreaded the reminder of those melancholic memories.

5 years ago

"Five wait up. You walk so fast. We've been stuck here for like 5 days and you're already going crazy." I heard Hail complain and scoff.

"Stop whining. We need to find a way out of here." I replied back, continuing my steps until I heard a shriek. Instantly turning around, I saw a large creature hovering over Hail's petite body. It was a large creature that resembled a dog yet it was coated with sharp scales. Its teeth were razor sharp like those of dinosaurs and it consisted of a long, pointy tongue - dripping with saliva and gory blood.

"Hail!" Suddenly the creature bit Hail's leg as she whimpered in pain, trying to push the creature off her. Spacial jumping on the hideous creature, my arms attached themself to its neck; trying to pry this monster off Hail. However, I was out of luck as the creature shook like an earthquake - making me crash into one of the abandoned buildings that stood in the middle of this barren desert.

Scurrying away from the creature, Hail crawled aimlessly but soon let out a cry in agony as the creature clawed her leg - piercing her leg. Tears rolled down her puffy cheeks as she continued to groan and shriek in pain. Slowly getting up, I grabbed a metal pipe that laid on the ground - ready to pound this senseless piece of shit. Smacking the metal pipe at the creature - after spacial jumping next to it, it ripped its claws out of Hail - facing me. I was tackled to the ground immediately. The creature hovered over me, trying to devour me but the pipe was stuck in between its large jaw - trying to bite me.

Using all my strength, I held the pipe with all my might but the creature continued to try and bite me. Suddenly, I was covered in gruesome, appalling blood. The creature landed on the ground with a loud thud. Its head had exploded. Gazing to my right, I saw Hail panting - realizing what had happened. She used her powers to kill the monster. Dropping the pipe, I got up and ran towards Hail, who was still gasping for air.

"Hail. Are you ok?" I examined her leg which looked horrifying. How did she use her powers in this condition? Wasn't she too exhausted? Wow, she's so strong. Hail disturbed my train of thoughts with her iconic snarky remark.

"Well do I look okay?! Look at my leg! And what the fuck was that?"

"We'll figure that out later but first let's try and get your leg cleaned up." Draping my arm around her waist, I lifted her up - looking for shelter.

Present Day

"I remember but you still need to get treated." An idea popped up in my mind.

"What about Viktor? He might be willing to help us. He helped us before when I got injured after the fight at Griddy's Doughnuts."

"I guess but won't we be annoying him?" Hail questioned as she struggled to keep her breathing steady.

"What would he be busy with?"

Viktor's living room

Gently placing Hail on Viktors grey couch, I grabbed the first aid kit while Viktor rushed himself to get dressed. We arrived at a bad time as he was busy making out with a tall, sturdy man who was clearly irritated that we disturbed their "fun".

"Here's the alcohol." Viktor handed me the bottle of whiskey after he wore a green jumper.

"Ok, this is going to hurt." Hail shut her eyes while I poured some of the alcohol on her wound. She hissed in pain while squeezing my leg. Rapidly, I pulled out the bullet with some tweezers Viktor conveniently had. He must've been aware that we would eventually come here if we ever were in danger since last time we bombarded him and we were both drenched in blood after that fight in Griddy's Doughnuts.

Wrapping a white bandage around her waist, after I stitched her up - she relaxed and soon fell into a deep slumber. Cleaning up and washing my hands Viktor asked me what happened.

"We were at The Umbrella Academy, where we have been staying ever since you and the others left us and then we were attacked by these armed men. But what I don't understand is that our powers weren't working."

"Your powers weren't working?" Viktor asked as confusion was laced all over his face.

"Yes. For some unknown reason they weren't working which almost got us fucked but thank god Hail had my back and remembered that there were some pistols under the kitchen counter and that there was a hidden back door. We were able to escape thanks to her."

"Wow. But who were those men? And who was the Master they tried taking you guys to?"

"If I knew, would I be talking to you about it right now rather than beating his ass?" I replied back sarcastically as I was frustrated that he had a brain the size or a pea.

"Oh." He shut up which caused my mind to wander around and try to figure out who the fuck the Master is.

"So you and Hail have been living together at The Umbrella Academy? How come you guys didn't get your own place?" Disturbing my thoughts, I sighed.

"Well we don't have the money to buy or rent a place and if we did wouldn't we get separate places?" Why would Hail and I live together when we could live individually?

"Seriously Five? I know you two have feelings for eachother so why not just move in together. Not at The Umbrella Academy but your own place where you can build new memories and live a peaceful life."

I scoffed. A peaceful life. Yeah right. How the fuck do you think I can do that when me and Hail are in danger I thought.

"Whatever, my first priority is to figure out who sent those men so me and Hail are no longer in danger. Who knows, if they came after us two then they might come after the others."

"Are you sure?"

"If they wanted to extract me and Hail then I'm pretty sure they would want to extract you and the other as well." Viktor sighed with agitation as he knew that once again he could no longer live a tranquil life with all this chaos occurring.

"Ok then what's the plan?"

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