Chapter 4

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After our lunch I help them move upstairs, if my door didn't have a lock I wouldn't have been comfortable with this situation. But since it does I think everything will be okay. With so many hands it takes one trip to move everything and one more trip to gather enough firewood from the stacks inside the carriage house. It was really gross grabbing the actual firewood, since there were spiders in it!

The stacks along the hallway was so nice I soon forgot about the creepy crawlies. Slunk into my room with Timber, laying out the sleeping bag and picking up my book since there was nothing left to do.

A soft knock sounded then my door opened, "Hey I could be naked in here wait for an answer next time." I scolded the blonde... Simon.

"Sorry, can we come in? We don't want to burn through all the wood by heating all the rooms right now."

I roll my eyes, "Sure." I scoot up to the head of the bed still in my sleeping bag. Timber joins me staking out his spot. Another rocking chair is moved into the room. The guys all find somewhere including the bed to settle in.

"Did you sweep in here?"

"And dust?"

I blush, "Yeah, since I'll be in here for who knows how long I figured I'd make it nicer to be in."

"I'm grabbing the sleeping bags." Jared announces before getting off the floor and heading out into the hallway.

"So do you live in PA?" Kaleb asks.

"No, I have a small camper. So I go everywhere."

"Wow, that sounds like fun." Mason says.

"It is. It's lonely though. Where do you all live?" I ask.

"In town, which is about two hours away. Some hikers told us about this place, they took us out here then left before the weather hit. We were hoping it would have passed by now."

"I didn't even see it on the weather reports." I lean back against the headboard.

"Neither did we. Just the clouds rolling in. I'm so happy we're warm now. That carriage house was getting cold." Adam says.

"I bet, I thought I got frostbite just walking back here."

Jared comes back in with the sleeping bags, handing them all out. "Joanna, do you need anything?"

I'm a little startled at first by his question. "No I'm fine thank you. And I have some extra MRE's we can have for dinner. I was supposed to be out here for three more days."

"That's awesome. We don't have much left, just hot dogs for tonight and croissants for tomorrow morning." Tyler says.

I grin at him, "I don't mind sharing so we all have enough. I'll probably leave when the storm breaks away."

After that we all get quiet, I think they are just soaking in the warmth, so I pick my book back up. They quietly talk amoungst themselves, thinking they should be using this time to film. Why waste the opportunity?

Simon who is sitting next to me pokes me, "Tell me about yourself."

I jump a little then giggle, "Sorry. I'm not used to anyone touching me." I gesture to Timber. "It's really just us. My parents died before I could remember them. I grew up in foster homes, so not much to know besides that I'm a photographer." I sigh. "And I love reading and coffee."

Simon scoots closer to me, "We all grew up in the foster system too. That's how we met. We all live together now."

"All of you?" I blink a few times. I have to stop from fanning myself, that many guys in one house, I mean shit, they are all in the same room as me right now. And now my panties are definitely soaked and nothing remotely sexy is happening.

"Yep all of us. Are you okay?" Leo aks.

"Oh I'll be fine." After I used my vibrator later.

They all laugh. "Oh no, I did not say that out loud did I?" I cover my bright red face.

"You so did." Simon pulls on a strand of my blonde hair. "It's okay. I was wondering if you were on the same team as us." He chuckles.

I frown then blush again, "I had to get over not being scared of so many men in one place." I admit.

"Are you still scared?" Jared asks.

I nod, "A little, I mean we're all alone out here. I was serious you could all be serial killers. This could be like a cult meet up." I babble and they all laugh.

"I assure you we aren't in a cult, or serial killers." Simon says.

I eye him, "If you say so."

"Where are you originally from?" Jared asks.


"Texas for us."

I frown, "How did you all get here?"

"We traveled a lot once we turned eightteen, and this is the arena we all fell in love with."

"I like it too. I actually really like this hotel even you think it's haunted." I chuckle.

"Yeah me too, and it's definitely haunted." Adam says. "I think we should get started, since we've had time to warm up and can warm up after."

"Let's get to work." Mason grins getting up and stretching from his spot in the rocking chair. They all file out of my room and I instantly miss their presence.

"Back to my book." I scratch Timber's scruff on his neck. He rolls onto his back taking up the majority of the bed with a happy sigh. I giggle and resume my reading, while listening to the guys from downstairs.

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