Chapter 15

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I'm pacing now, "You found bodies and didn't tell me?"

"I didn't want to worry you. You were already freaked out. And the police will be here to question us anytime."

A knock sounds on the front door, we all turn to look, I sit down next to Kaleb and wait. Jared lets the cops in, "Good morning. Do all of you live here?"

I shake my head, "I live in my camper, I'm a photographer."

The cop is attractive young, the others are a littler older. Obviously they think the younger guy will get more out of us. "Please take a seat." Jared says to the recently vacated second couch.

They ask us to explain everything that happened, I go first and tell him everything up until us leaving to find the van.

Jared starts, "Friday night we decided to go to a new location some hikers told us about for our ghost youtube and tictok series. We arrived around seven at night it was already dark and the snow had started falling. We decided to spent the night in the carriage house since it was warmer than the hotel, and a little more well kept. The next day we were hanging out waiting for dusk to film the inside hotel when we found Joanna and Timber. They were staying up on the top floor which we didn't even know it was safe."

Each of the guys tell their side, and show the cops the video footage, also handing over a flash drive with the footage.

"Any the bodies?"

Simon takes over, "After seeing the footage that someone else was there with us we decided to search for the intruder. When we checked the carriage house two females we there deceased and chopped up. In the basement in barrels we found older remains, unsure how many bodies, five barrels were filled with pieces." He concludes.

"Jared Smith already described the guy, tall, lean, shaggy black hair? Is that how you would describe him?"

"And creepy, he gave off scary vibes." I say. "Did you catch him?" I ask clutching Timber tightly.

The cops look at each other, "We haven't found the hotel. We need you guys to take us out there. We have a few gators, I guess we don't need all eight maybe just two of you." He says.

Simon stands up, "Mason and I will take you there."

The cop nods, "Thank you. We didn't know that place is even out there. Not many people explore those woods except hunters." They ask me for a copy of all of my pictures which I gladly copy and give to them. "Alright if you two are ready we'd like to get this handled right away."

When the cops leave with Simon and Mason I settle a look on Jared getting up in his...well chest and poking him, "Next time you find bodies you let me know."

"Alright," his hands are up. "I'll let you know next time we are in an even more dangerous situation than being stuck with no food in the middle of a crazy snow storm."

I nod. "Right then, I'm going to my camper and am going to work on my pictures."

"Could you go to Simon's room instead?" Leo says. "I'd feel better knowing you're safe."

I roll my eyes, "Fine." I grab my laptop, camera and Timber and go upstairs shutting myself in and getting to work.

It takes me a few hours to go through each picture decide which I'm keeping, then do touch ups on them. I start the process of uploading to every site where I can sell them. Some sites don't sell until someone downloads them which is fine. I sigh and stretch finally done.

I open up my autobiography/diary and add everything that happened over the weekend, if I ever decide to publish I'll have to tell the guys beforehand. For now it's my secret. It makes me feel better getting it all out there.

Finally finished I go downstairs, Adam hands me a quesadilla, "Thank you babe." I tell him.

"No problem kitten. Get everything done?"

I nod, "Yeah hopefully the big bucks will come rolling in." I giggle then take a bite, "This is so good." I moan.

"Thanks. Want to watch something on netflix with us? We're taking a break."

"What did you guys get done?"

Tyler groans, "We watched everything, we got some really good footage, actually caught some ghosts too. Along with that creep."

I shutter thinking about how back that situation could have been if I didn't have the guys with me, I could have been the next victim. "I'm really glad I found you all." I tell them.

They all smile at me, "We're glad too." Leo says, pulling me to sit between him and Kaleb.

"What are you watching?" I ask, running my hand down Kaleb's leg. He lets out a satisfying groan.

"American horror story." Adam says.

"Of course something spooky." They grin at me. I roll my eyes and eat my food. I am totally afraid and hate admitting that I'm soon sitting in Kaleb's lap holding onto him tightly. Which has all of them laughing, why aren't they scared.

"Have you ever watched scary movies?" Leo asks.

"Um no, I live in camper I don't want to get scared out on my own."

"I guess that makes sense." Tyler says.

My phone goes off and I excuse myself to answer Laney. "What's up?"

"Hey chica, I love all the hotel pictures they are amazing! So where are you off to next?"

I bite my lip, "I may stay here."

"Things have gotten that serious with the guys?"

"Yeah they have, I want to see how this plays out. Plus I'm part of a police investigation right now."


"Yeah that creepy guy may actually be a serial killer."

"Girl you could write a book about it."

I frown, then smirk, "Maybe, I need to find out more information about him I guess. Huh though, that's really a thought, true crime."

She laughs, "Good, I'm glad I gave you an amazing money making idea. Go follow those leads."


I hang up and grab my laptop... "Jared!"

Footsteps run up the steps, "Did you talk to your lawyer yet?"

"Yeah why?"

"Did you get a last name? Does he own the hotel?"

"He doesn't own the hotel and yeah...Lyson Smalls."

"Thank you." I give him a kiss and push him out the door. Time for research!

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