Chapter 5

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They are back in my room in an hour, "Get anything good?"

"Oh yeah, we just need to warm up and we'll be back at it." Tyler says, he's sitting next to me this time. When he tried to move Timber, Timber let out a low growl.

"Even I wouldn't move him once he's comfortable." I laugh at Tyler's shocked expression. I keep reading while they chat about the next takes, and whatnot. It's odd that I feel strangely comfortable with all of the crowded in my room. I mean the only actual person I usually talk to is my one friend that I met in foster care and we actually stayed friends. She's the one I have to report to in three days otherwise she'll call the state patrol.

"How old are you Joanna?" Jared startles me.

I blink at him, "Twenty-four. Why?"

He pulls out a flask, "Want some?"

I grin, "Yes please." I take a big sip, "So this is how you stayed warm last night." I giggle passing it to Tyler.

"That and cuddling." Leo says.

"Oh are into men?"

They all laugh, "Hell no. But I'm not opposed to cuddling when it's freezing."

I nod, "That makes sense. I'm sure Timber feels the same way about me." Timber groans and kicks me. Sending me tumbling off the bed and onto Mason and Kaleb. "Sorry!" I say wiggling off of their laps. I send a glare at Timber as I shove him back on his side of the bed so I have room.

"That was hella cute." Kaleb admits.

"Sorry again. Timber can be so rude." I take another sip of the flask and pass it on. "Did you decide on room assignments? There's only three that are usable."

Jared smirks at me, "Yeah, we're going to be sleeping two to a bed."

I frown, "That leaves someone out."

"Yep," He takes a big sip of the flask, "Someone needs to be adding fire, we'll rotate. Including yours."

I laugh, then realize he's serious, "I'll handle my own but thank you for the offer." He just shrugs. I hear a door slam and shriek jumping into Tyler. "I know it's windy out there but that is going to be hard to get used to." I blush.

Tyler's arms go around me, "I don't mind at all."

I blush and wiggle back to my side, "Alright, I'm going to take some pictures now that I'm warmed up too."

"Can I join?" Kaleb asks.

I shake my head, "Thanks for the offer but I need to do this solo."

I put on my coat, shoes and grab my camera. Timber stays in the room with the guys, I want to feel betrayed but I know he's loving having a big bed. The bed in our camper is small, we both look forward to camping trips so that we can stretch out.

Starting in the stop floors, I snap pictures of the rooms without the guys stuff, moving down to the second floor getting each room, and the damage from the broken windows. The first floor is by far the worst, I take lots of pictures of the decay. Outside is simply stunning with the snow still coming down, it's snowing too hard to get anything decent so I head back up to my room.

Simon and Tyler are both asleep on the bed with Timber snuggled inbetween them. "How cute." I whisper. Jared pulls me down next to him and wraps me in a sleeping bag.

I grin at him, "I don't know what to make of you." I admit.

"Nor I you. This feisty little woman out in the wilderness with only her grumpy dog for company."

I giggle, "You guys seem so happy. Is it always like this?"

He gives me a level look, "Not always, it seems we have something to be excited for."

"What?" Though I'm pretty sure I know what he's about to say.

"The hunt." His lips crash down on mine, and I let him for a moment before pushing him away.

"I'm not sure we know each other that well to just go around kissing each other." I notice my hands are shaking. Jared notices to and takes my hand. I pull away. "Sorry I can't. It's too much."

"I won't hurt you," he whispers.

I nod, "It's not you, it's I've-. Anytime in the past wasn' choice." I choke out.

"What?" He growls, "Who were they?"

I shake my head, "I can't." I get back to my feet and leave the room. I know it was just a kiss, and really that should be fine. I mean he's handsome, they all are, but I just can't.

Mason follows me downstairs not saying anything, just sitting on the porch with me and watching the snow fall. I sigh, watching the perfect shaped flakes fall.

"One home I was at," Mason says softly, "The parents...were pedophiles. Both of them, usually it's just the dads, but not in this house." He's quiet for a moment, "We tried to tell the social worker but since there was no proof they wouldn't remove us. That's when we started making movies, we showed them proof and took it to the cops. We got those people arrested including the social worker who knew about it."

I feel tears leak down my cheeks, the horrors of what they must have been through.

"We went to a group home after that, and stuck together. But all of us remember what it was like not to have a choice, to be forced, and no one to believe you."

"It started when I was nine," I sob, "Just touches at first. It became real clear that different house holds had different tastes, ages really. So I got passed around a lot. At my last foster home, I was so used, so defeated, I didn't believe it when I finally was placed in a safe family. Laney was with that family too, she's my best friend. She helped me recover, with her and the Smith's I finally learned what it was like to trust, and be safe again."

"I've never had a boyfriend, never been with someone because I wanted to. When Jared kissed me, I've just never had anything like that. I can't help that it brought back memories." I whimper.

Mason holds out his arms, I gladly go into them. "We'll never force you. You're safe now Joanna."

I let him hold me for a long time, we watch the snow fall until the cold gets to us.

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