Chapter 1

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Note: This story came from a writing prompt in a book I have, so this also is a completed story.

The music drifted out of the club like a vibrating pulse. I could feel it in my bones. The night was alive with possibility. I could even imagine myself trying to picture my future would look like if I have a job in a nightclub. When I first got there, now I wasn't so sure about it. I didn't plan to quit the job anytime soon, because I always loved seeing new people every week, enjoying the music us DJs play for our customers. I'm used to live music.

I've always had loved live music whenever my wife and I go on road trips every once in a while. Tonight we played a song from the eighties called Island in the Stream. It sounds to me it's almost everybody's favorite song here, if you play it almost every single week, you would have known the song by heart. I know for sure that I do. I had a dream about the club. I was in the dream. I somehow heard something like a vibrating pulse.

I could feel it in my bones, as I already have said earlier. How come I thought the vibrating pulse wouldn't be here when I have to guess because I wake up in the morning without hearing the vibrating pulse. I saw my wife, Ashley in the kitchen making the coffee.

"Good - morning, Jacob. How did you sleep last night?" she asked me.

"I thought you were dreaming. You sounded like you were singing or something."

"I know, Ashley. It was my nightclub that was in the dream."

"Do you remember what it was about?"

"Yes. The nightclub had the eighties, as the theme of the week. I felt like I offered to sing for a change."

"What song were you singing?" she asked.

"It was called Islands in the Stream. Everyone seems to think it's a favorite."

"That's a good song. Tell me more about your dream."

"Somehow I felt there was a vibrating pulse. I don't know where it came from."

"Did anyone notice or were you the first and only one?"

"I don't know about those people, but somehow the pulse felt like it came out from a machine. I can't describe it, Ashley."

"I understand. Did the light go out?"

"I don't think so. It was something different."

"Different as in what?"

Once again I shrugged my shoulders. I couldn't answer that question. I guess I should answer her question about that dream, even though I don't know exactly.

"I don't know, Ashley. My guess it's something I never felt before. That's all I can say for now. At the moment I need help figuring that out."

"I don't understand what you mean by the words vibrating pulse," Ashley said.

"Neither do I. Not sure who could help on this. I know you can't help me."

My name is Jacob Harris. I need to find another person who could help me figure out what vibrating pulse came from.

Let's see who that person or people would think of this one. I do have a few religious friends, so maybe they could give ideas.

Later I would give them a phone call and see how they would react to it.

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