Chapter 3

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I did what I told May and Jared - went somewhere and decided to get in touch with God.

"Ash, I'm going to the basement," I told her.

The basement is one of the places where we pray and read the Bible. I know it's strange, but we think it's something different.

"All right, Jacob. Do you know how long you'll be down there?"

"No, I don't. You'll know when I return."

"Sounds good to me," she said.

"Jacob, we're going out to dinner tonight. A couple of friends are meeting us there. Is that okay with you if we go out tonight?"

"That's fine. Who are we seeing this time?" I asked before heading to the basement.

"A customer of yours and a family member."

"Do you remember the names?" I asked.

"Sorry, I don't. You'll probably figure it out when we head to Olive Garden."

"Haven't been there in a while. I've been thinking about that place for a while now."

"I told him we would join them."

"Fine with me. I'll see you soon."

Our dogs were outside in the backyard, so they've been quiet.

"Where are the dogs?" Ashley asked.

"In the backyard. They're pretty quiet, aren't they?"

"Yes. I'll see if they want to go on a walk."

"Good idea," I told her and left.

I turned the basement light on.

We didn't keep our Bibles in here, but it's a place where you can spend time with the Lord without anybody else who has done that.

"Father, like May said, was it the nightclub that You chose to creep me out?

"Why did You let that happen if you chose that place?

"I don't understand why You let this vibrating pulse happen. I still don't. You must've done it for a reason, but I don't know if I have any ideas to guess.

"Of course I love You for who You are, but I don't like what's going on right now. Did Satan help out on this one? If he did, then why?

"I have thought I would cry out to You because there's nobody else to turn to. I'm sure a lot of people have done the same thing.

"Please don't creep me out on something like this in the future. That's all I can ask for right now.

"Maybe May is right. Should I quit the job because of the scary vibrating pulse? This is why I'm scared in my bones and feel it.

"When this whole thing is over with, I will put it all behind me. I guess I need to spend more time in Your Word and maybe would help me not be too afraid.

"It's too bad Jared and May weren't there at work with me when it happened.

"I would have to stop thinking about that evening on why You let this happen.

"I'm hoping that everyone else in the room would have noticed, but from what I saw, they didn't. I do love You, Father, but there are a lot of scary things going on in this world, and I agree with lots of people that I don't like it.

"I am happy to see that I have friends and family who care about and love me. I love them back.

"I also hope and pray that You would help Jared and May understand more on what's going on from what happened that night.

"What do I need to do? Read a book about the subject?

"I don't think I need to do that, but it sounds like a good idea to me. I know nothing about what's going on with the nightclub that made You chose what would distract people and myself.

"I hope nobody else at the nightclub was scared if they did notice.

"We all have to be afraid of something, and I am not scared very often, but this happened out of nowhere. I hope and pray that You wouldn't let this happen to Your other children who believe in You would be scared to death and feel like it as I did.

"I know this makes no sense on why the vibrating pulse showed up.

"If I do quit the job, maybe I could stay home where it's safer without feeling such a thing about being scared to death.

"At least O am grateful that I have a safe house."

I stopped to hear Ashley call me.

I headed back to the kitchen.

"What happened, Ashley?" I asked.

I didn't get to finish the prayer, but that's fine with me. I could always go back to it another time. God does not like to rush.

She looked like she was in pain. She was in the kitchen, lying down.

"Jacob, help me get up."

"What happened?" I asked as I did.

"I don't know. I was going to put the leashes on the dogs and I somehow slipped here."

"Do you want me to drive you to the hospital?" I asked.

"I don't think that's not necessary. I can call and cancel the dinner and save it for another time."

"No, don't do that," I said.

"I might have to, Jacob. I don't want to miss out since we haven't been to eat in quite a while."

"I'll help you get on the couch," I offered.

"Thank you, Jacob."

I did what I told her and then she complained a bit.

"That hurts."

"Did I do anything wrong?" I asked.

"No. I think I sprained my ankle."

"I'll take you to the emergency room."

"All right."

So I did that.

We waited for a while until it was her turn to see the doctor.

We talked with her for a while, and then I was able to go home. They wanted to keep here there for a while so she wouldn't feel pressure on her ankle for the first night.

When I got home, I cancelled out on the dinner after Ashley told me the name of my customers from the nightclub.

After I cancelled out, I decided to pray for Ashley in the basement before doing anything else. I know it sounds strange, but that's how we work.

After I prayed for about an hour, it was dinnertime.

Then I decided to call Ashley and see how she was doing.

We talked for a while, and then I was able to do something else.

And then I stayed up for the news and turned the lights out.

What a day.

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