Chapter 4

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I wasn't so sure what to do this weekend, but the only thing I could think of was pray and be with Ashley after our friends, Jared and May. Ashley and I always had enjoyed their company whenever we see one another.

I guess that's what I needed now - Jared and May.

They don't know about Ashley having that scary fall. I have no idea why it happened. Did God plan that? I know God has plans for everything and everyone, but I don't understand why and how Ashley had this happen to her.

So I decided to call May and Jared tonight and see what they think about getting together. My customers could wait another time. If I don't get together with my customers Ashley had mentioned, that's probably fine with them too. I could always see them at the nightclub.

Maybe I could quit the nightclub job since it's been creeping me out lately. Would God let me do that since He has a plan? Wait and see.

I dialed May and Jared. They weren't near their phone, so probably they were still working. I left a voicemail on both of their phones with the same message.

I didn't expect to hear from them immediately. If they do, that's fine with me.

The only thing I could think of doing was spend time with Ashley after what happened.

I also thought about going back to the basement and pray to the Lord Christ Jesus once more, but I wasn't so sure.

Because if I did, I probably wouldn't hear her if she needed anything. That could wait.

I was with Ashley when I heard my phone ring.

"I'll be back," I told her.

"Take your time."

I left for a bit so I could see who was calling. It turned out to be May and Jared like I thought.

"Hi, May," I greeted her.

She beat Jared to making me respond first. Who cares who calls first?

"Hi, Jacob. I just got your voicemail. You sound a bit worried from what I heard. Are you okay?"

"Not really," I answered.

"How come?"

"Because Ashley had a fall just recently."

"I hope she's okay."

"She seems to be, but since I am the only one home, it's hard to have help when I am at that nightclub for work."

"I understand. I'm sure we'll work something out."

"Maybe," I agreed.

"Would you like Jared and me to come over now? I came home a few minutes ago."

"I don't know about Jared, May. I left him the same message, but I don't know if he's open to come over later or not."

"If it's just you, myself and Ashley, that's fine."

"True. I'll find out if Jared calls. I could tell him what I just told you."

"Good idea," May said.

"I know. I have been spending time with God since the fall."

"What does God have planned for Ashley's fall?"

"That's something I want to find out. She wants to find that out too. I don't know how to find God's answer to this whole thing," I said to May.

That's when my phone rang. I answered and it was Jared.

"Hi, Jared."

"Hi, Jacob. I'm going over to your house in fifteen minutes. Is that okay?" Jared asked me.

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