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Dan Ross – He's kind, compassionate, and loving but is cold at first he is 25.

Christina Capshaw- Ross – Dan's loving wife.  She is free willing, and lets the kids get away with a lot of stuff, that Dan doesn't let slide.  Though she does discipline when necessary.  She is 25.

Nick Ross – He is strict but loving.  He's second in command.  He usually lets little things slip but is also quick to discipline but always hears people out.  He is 20.

Sophie Ross – She is a sweetheart but has a rough side.  She is 18.

Rick Ross – He is nice and friendly but can strict at times.  He is 17.  Senior in high school.

Ana Ross – She is nice and sweet but has a rebels side to her.  She is 16, ajunior in high school and twin to Ben.

Ben Ross – He is a rebel. He is 16, twin to Ana.

Jenifer " Jen " Ross – She is a very sweet girl and she loves to dress up like a princess.  She rarely gets in trouble.  She is 10.


Dan owns the family business and is boss of the company.  Which is the American mafia.

Author's Note

Hey guys so this is my first book so don't expect it to be any thing great and i hope you enjoy.

Love, Elaine. 

P.S  -  Your gorgeous, darling.

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