Chapter three

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Ben's pov

It was difficult seeing my sister like that.  It took every bit of strength I have, not to punch Dan.  I wish there was more I could do, but I want to stay on our brother's good side.  I take this time to look around the room.  It's extravagant, there's a chandelier hanging from the high ceilings, with a nice border around the top of the wall.  Their rich, rich.  Must be nice to live in the lap of luxury.

"We're done." Dan states.  Really?  That's all he's going to say?

"Okay" Ana replies in a monotone voice.  She sounds different.  I don't like it.  She stands up, pulls her jeans up, and looks at me with an expression I can't read.

"I'll show you to your rooms." Dan says.  Rooms? Did he mean room?  Are we not sharing?  We just follow him as he leaves the room.

"We're getting out of here tonight."  Ana whispers. Does she really think that's a good idea?  What if they catch us?  Also where are we supposed to go? It's not like we have a car to drive all the way back to Smallgrove.  We don't have money for the bus either, and hitchhiking just isn't safe.

"Ana we have nowhere to go.  Let's just stay here for now, if it gets worse we'll leave.  Okay?"  I whisper back.  It's not that I don't want to leave, we just need to be smart about it.  Leaving now will just put us in a worse position.

"Fine."  Ana grits out.  At least she's not arguing, but I can tell she's not happy about it.

"Come on, it won't be that bad."  I try to reassure her.  I just hope it's the truth.

"You don't know that." She whispers.  I don't, but what am I supposed to say?

"No, I don't.  Can you at least give this a try though?" I plead. "We may even be happy here."

"Happy?  Here?  With this asshole?  No, I don't think I'll be happy here Ben." Ana says distastefully.  Ugh, why does she have to have such a dark outlook of life?  Okay, think Ben.  How can I convince Ana that this is for the best? Hmm... oh!  Perfect!

"Ana do you really want to disappoint our siblings?  Maybe Dan is a jerk but what about the others?  They might be friendly."  I say.  I know this may seem manipulative but it's necessary.  I just hope it works.

Ana gets a thoughtful look on her face, then says.  "Okay, I'll give it two weeks.  If I don't like it here by then, we leave.  Alright?" 

"That's fine."

Good I got two weeks to convince Ana to stay.  I need to find a job, so we can save money for if we do leave. 

"Good, then we have an agreement."  She states.  I love how Ana is acting like this is a business deal.

"Here we are.  This is your room Ana." Dan declares, opening the door to a room.  Wow.  This room is extraordinary!  It has cathedral ceilings, a beautiful chandelier, and marble floors like the rest of the house.

"This is my room?"  Ana asks astounded.

"Yes, it is Ana."  Dan laughs, amused.

"Man, this is real nice.  I feel like I'll break it." Ana responds.  I agree with her, I think this room will be a disaster in a few days.

"Break the room?  Or the contents of the room?  I think the former is almost impossible."  Dan teases.  I didn't know he had a sense of humor.

"You know what I mean."  Ana grumbles.  She definitely has a stick up her ass today.

"So, you said this is Ana's room.  Where's mine?"  I change the subject.  I needed to lighten the mood, after Ana purposefully darkened it.

"Oh right, yeah.  Yours is right next door to Ana's, right here."  Dan says, whilst taking a step to the right, then opening a door.  I look into the room and am shocked at what I see.  Again there are marble floors, the walls are painted royal blue, and there is a stained glass light hanging from the ceiling.  Wow, this is so cool!

"This is my room?" I ask amazed.

"Yes it is." Dan answers.

"Holy crap." 

Dan chuckles.  Then adds "Dinner is at six, I'll send someone for you.  Alright?"

"Okay." I respond.

"Sure."  Ana answers, with a nod.

"Good, I have some work to do but I'll see you at dinner."  Dan informs.  He's somewhat blunt, I don't like him much so far.

"Who's room do you want to hang out in?"  I ask.  We need to talk about a few things.

"Mine."  She responds bluntly.  I get that she's upset about this situation.  To be honest, I am too but she needs to lighten up.  At least with me.

"Ana."  I warn.

"Ben" She sneers.  The hell?

"Ana, I think we need a couple hours apart, to cool down." I gently say.  She needs to get her shit together.  This is her coping meninism but it's unhealthy.

"Okay."  She responds uninterested. 

"Good."  I walk away.  I walk into my room and think, what a crazy life.

Author's note

Hey!  How are you all?  I hope you're doing well.  I know it's been over a week since the last chapter, and this isn't the greatest chapter but I'm really busy right now so this is all I could do.  I hope I can get a couple more chapters out next week though.  Thanks for reading!


What's your favorite animal?


Dolphins.  I absolutely adore Dolphins!

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