Chapter two

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Ben's POV

"Like it I love it" we said in unison.  Twin telepathy.

"Nice. If you guys love this you will be astonished by the inside" Dan said.  Amusement filled his eyes.  They held love, adoration and more that I can't quite put a finger on.  Ana and I must have starred at the mansion for longer than we wanted, because the next I know, Dan is calling us inside.

We grabbed our bags and followed him inside. What he said is right.  This place is so beautiful. Literally like heaven.  Wow.

"Nice digs" My twin seriously can't shut up for a damn minute. "What are you?  Rich up the ass?" snickered Ana. This girl. This man in front of us is so scary and intimidating yet she can still come up with her smart ass comments. I punched her arm to stop her from making more comments trying not to gain Dan's attention. Which didn't go as planned.

"That's enough both of you.  Ana you know better than to curse.  Change the sentence and ask in a nicer way.  Ben just because she said something wrong doesn't give you the right to hit her " Dan said in a stern tone.  He clearly doesn't like cursing and fighting.  Hm.

Check.  Never curse or fight.  In front of him.

"Look we get punched all the time by other people and we punch each other all the time.  It's no big deal" Ana used her monotone.  I am sure by now I should kept my head high because I am so proud of my sister/twin.  People should learn how to add fuel to a fire from Ana. (Sarcasm alert people)

"No big deal?  This is a big deal, Ana.  You can't just punch other people.  I understand you didn't have many rules and did as you please but here things are different.  You must follow rules.  The important one is no fighting or cursing.  If I ever hear or see you doing something like this ever again you will face punishment.  Am I clear?" Dan says strictly.  Okay, he is ultra scary.  I am 100% sure Ana is shitting her pants right now but will never show it.

"Yes sir"  We said in unison with our heads down.

"Hey Dan I was looking for you everywhere. Where were yo-"  This time, someone spoke without taking his eyes off the phone.  Until he now notices our presence. " Sorry, didn't know you had company.  I'll tell you later"  He walked off.

"You two follow me"  Dan said and started walking away.  We reluctantly followed him like lost puppies.  He is damn strict.  When we reached a room, he made us sit on the bed.  Once we got comfortable he stood in front us with his arms crossed.   Like a stance of a dad scolding his kid.

"Okay, I know you guys are used to do whatever you want to do, but here things are different there are rules that you must follow.  If you fail to follow them I will not hesitate to punish you.  In our family we believe in tradition the old ways, spanking, that I use on all of our siblings- " he was rudely interrupted on his big ass speech by non other than my twin Ana.

"Hold on siblings?  Do you mean sibling and it just slipped?" she asked with a innocent look but let me tell you she is far from innocent.

"Yes, siblings." he emphasized.  " you have 5 siblings including me and a sister in law, my wife"

"Do they all live here?"  I asked curiously.

"Yes they do.  Now let's move on to the punishment." He narrowed his eyes at Ana. "Ana because you are a girl, I will let you keep you panties on but not the jeans.  Please bend the bed."  He ordered.

Okay this is crazy.  What the heck is happening? Back in orphanage punishments were different. We either get a slap or be punched across the face.  So, we didn't think it was big deal in hitting each other.  I stood up from the bed as ana started to do as she was told.


"Yes they do. Now let's move on to the punishment" he narrowed his eyes at me. I looked everywhere but him. "Ana because you are a girl I will let you keep you panties on but not the jeans and please bend the bed."

Sign.  Because I am girl.  I hate him for bringing my sexuality into this, but I think I can get away with lot of things that I am gonna cause in near future since I am girl.  I internaly smirk.

I pulled down my jeans and bent over the bed.

"Okay since this is your first time and your a girl, I am giving you only twenty." he said in monotone voice.  He is definitely testing my patience.

"What do you mean because I'm a girl?  What are you some hypocrite?  I'm still a person." I hiss.  Well kind of yelled.

"Hm.. talking back when you are getting punished.  Maybe if I make it 30 you will learn to listen." I thought he was being sarcastic but when I glanced at him he looked all serious making me regret opening my mouth.

"No sir, I'm sorry" I whined, shocking myself. 

I have never whined. I repeat never.

"That's what I thought.  You are already on a thin ice.  Now bend. Over." he grits, leaving no room for argument.  I obeyed like a good girl I am. (Innocent smile)

smack smack smack smack smack

smack smack smack smack smack

smack smack smack smack smack

smack smack smack smack smack

I just yelp and whimper now and then but didn't beg for him to stop.  It's nothing compared to what happened to me or should I say us (Ben and I ) in the orphanage. Let's just say I got used to it.

Author's note

Hey everyone!  How are you all doing?

This is the second chapter.  I hope you liked it.  Feel free to comment, vote, and share.

P.S - you're a superstar!

Published: February 4th, 2023

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