chapter one

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Ana's POV

I woke up like every day in the orphanage, to the sound of banging pans.   This is what life is like in an orphanage. I got up and saw Ben, my twin brother getting up as well.  We both go into our shared bathroom and got ready.  We took our backpacks and made our way to the breakfast corner.  We ate by ourselves in the corner as per usual, since we don't have any friends we are very anti social and get bullied, not even a single person has tried to be nice or talk to us.  Let alone be our friend.

After we finished our breakfast. we silently went inside the school.  Then the school's Queen bees walk up to us.  I rolled my eyes 'don't they have anything better to do' I thought. They start hitting and kicking us we weren't even fighting back and no we aren't some weak chickens we just don't want to go to jail just because they all have rich parents and could say we attacked them and the judge would believe them and not us. Literally. We could care less about the hits. Honestly they don't know how to hit, kids do better. They always fight the ones who doesn't know how to defend or can't due to the consequences. In this we are the latter. Pathetic of them I know.

Dan's POV

I'm in my office working when I hear a knock on my office door.

"Come in" I shout slightly irritated. I am in a bad mood, don't ask.

"Boss we have found your brother and sister, the twins" One of my men say. The emotions I felt can't be expressed in words. I was over the moon. They got separated from us when they were babies. I was so angry at myself for not able to do anything but convinced myself saying its past and the only thing I have to do now is to find them and give what they deserved.

"Good, where are they?" I asked trying to control my excitement by a poker face. All the irritation from earlier long gone filling with excitement.

"About an hour away sir.  They live in a orphanage, under the last name Ford, besides looking older they look identical to how they look in the pictures" he said.

"Okay give me the address" I say he hands me a piece of paper and leaves. I leave without saying a word to anyone, to the orphanage (my wife and siblings). As in to surprise them. They all were devastated after the twins left. We all were excited to have twin siblings and especially a girl. Another sister. We all made promises to protect them with our lives. Spoil them. Punch people's face when they mess with our sister. Many more. For others this seems nothing but a stupid fight between siblings but for us it's everything. A long lasting memory. But guess what people don't like went we are happy.

I arrive at the orphanage wow this place is a more dump than I thought compared to the orphanage we have in Jacksonville well what could you expect from Smallgrove it's a small town. I can't accept the fact that my siblings are staying here. That thought alone is making me tear up. I go inside and see a women screaming at freaking 2 and 3 year olds

"Hey lady what did those kids do to deserve you treating them like that!" I yell. I hate people who don't treat kids good. As soon as she turned to me the kids ran off as if there lives were in danger.

" I can do whatever the hell I want who are you to question me, and what the hell are you doing here she replies rudely. I wish I could get a beheading axe and cut her head off.

"I'm here to pick up my brother and sister they go by Ana and Ben Ford. Though there're real last name is Ross." I say with a glare.

"Are you sure your their brother?" she says, narrowing her eyes.

"Yes and I'd like to adopt them." I say getting frustrated.

"are you sure because we have other kids-" I cut her off.

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