Chapter 1 - Patrick's POV

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I was at the bar having a drink trying to drain my feelings for my policeman. I cared for him deeply even though we had just met only a few weeks ago, but I have not seen him in those few weeks. I have only seen him three times since I met him, it is my fault that I have not seen him. I should never have given him that blowjob, If I didn't do that then he and I would still be close. However, he did touch me first and it felt so good to have his hands against me. His fingers brushed up against my neck as I spoke to him that night. I miss him so much, I need him in my life and I hate that I messed it up all because I like him. I need to forget about him though, he doesn't need me and even though I need him I need to forget him. I started to play with the ring that was on my necklace that I will never take off. I will never take this necklace off no matter what, it means too much to me. As I fiddled with the ring I got pulled from my thoughts when the bartender asked me if I wanted a drink I was about to answer when someone grabbed my attention. It was a beautiful man who had curly blonde hair and he was leaning back in his chair sexily as his suit was all ruffled up since he wasn't sitting up. To be honest he looked attractive. 

One minute I was drinking at the bar and now I was in the alleyway by the bar making out with the guy I met. His name was Leonard, he had soft lips. I pulled away from him so I could look him in the eyes and silently asked him if I could touch him, when he nodded and kissed me I slowly started to kiss him as I slid my hand down his pants and started giving him a handjob. I moved my hand away and saw his whine of the loss of contact, but I gave his neck one more hickey before throwing a newspaper on the ground so my jeans wouldn't get dirty before getting down on my knees before him. I was just about to pull Leonard's pants down but then we heard two cops yell at us and start running toward us, I quickly got up and started running and when I turned around to see if Leonard was behind me I saw he was still against the wall trying to fix his pants, but the cops were getting closer and closer. 
I quickly went up to him and grabbed his hand "Let's go, leave the zipper down," I said as I started running and pulling him along with me. Once I knew we were safe I stopped running and leaned against a wall to catch my breath "T-thank you," he said breathlessly "You don't have to thank me," I said with a slight smile. It's not right that so many people are being arrested for being who they are and loving who they love, love is love and I hate how so many people cannot accept that and let people love who they love and be themselves. "Do you want to come back to my apartment with me? You don't have to, we can hang out another time if you want," I said softly, it didn't necessarily mean a hookup, he seemed really nice and I wanted to at least be friends with him.  "Maybe we can hang out later this week?" he requested and I smiled at him and nodded "Yeah, that would be nice," I answered with a smile "I'll see you then," he said and gave me a kiss before he fled. I looked down and lifted up my shirt slightly to see a small bruise I had received when he and I were running and I fell, I brushed it off and convinced him I was fine. However, the bruise looks really bad. I need to get home and clean it so it won't get infected.  

I was walking up the stairs in the apartment building that I live in and when I was about to get to the floor of where my flat was I saw him. I saw my policeman. He was sitting on the steps leaning against the wall. He seemed drunk, I gave him a look over before looking into his eyes. "I don't know why-," he started to say but I shook my head stopping him from talking and I nodded in the direction of my flat and walked up past him, and opened the door to my flat. 
After he came inside I shut the door and locked it then I hung up my hat on the racket I had by the door. I walked back over to him and placed my keys on the counter I have by the door. I looked at him and was about to talk, but he beat me to it. "Do you still want to draw me?" he slurred out the question, I looked him over "If you would like me to," I replied softly, and when I said that his expression changed and not in a good way "Seriously? If I want you to? You never wanted to draw me, you just wanted an excuse to be able to try to get with me," I heard him slur out and I didn't answer. Yes, I did want to draw him, but at the same time, I liked him and wanted to be with him. As soon as I laid my eyes on him I knew I wanted him to be my boyfriend. To be my policeman. I still want him to be my policeman. I want to hold him, and to kiss him, and to love him, and to hold hands with him. I got interrupted by my thoughts when he raised his voice and yelled at me "ANSWER ME," he yelled angrily and I got in his face "Hit me hit me, go on!" I yelled back at him which made him move a bit I could tell he was shocked and he just stared at me for a second and blinked. "What? W-why would you tell me to hit you?" he asked still in shock, I ignored him knowing that my answer would hurt him and I didn't want to hurt him "tell me...please," he begged softly "Fine, you really wanna know? Every day people who are homosexuals are beaten by cops and arrested by them, and I want to prove to myself that you aren't like them! That you would never hurt me! But maybe not. So why don't you just hit me," I said sadly and avoided eye contact "I-I," he said speechlessly after about a minute of uncomfortable silence he spoke up "I'm sorry...I didn't mean to make you feel that way. I don't want to hurt you, I care about you. However, what I did was wrong, I shouldn't have touched you," he said softly and I looked at him with sad eyes and carefully placed my hand on the side of his neck and rubbed it softly. I watched as he moved his head trying to move away from my hand but I slowly moved my hand to his cheek "Did it feel wrong?" I asked softly and he still avoided eye contact with me. He just stared at the ground.  "Please Patrick...don't," he said softly and I slowly leaned in and placed my lips against his just for a second to see his reaction. I looked into his eyes hoping he would kiss me and then he slammed his soft, red lips against my lips as he placed his hands on my cheeks and pushed me up against the counter. I moaned against his lips and I was about to wrap my arms around him but while he was kissing me he started to take off my jacket so after my jacket was off we took his jacket off, never breaking the kiss. 

Tom, my precious policeman started to lower his hands down my back and we started to take each other's clothes off as we made our way to my bedroom. Tom was taking off my shirt and was just about to push me down on the bed when he noticed a big bruise that was on my stomach, I realized that the color had changed and it got bigger. "What happened?" Tom asked softly and gently touched it, I could see a worried expression on his face and his expression only turned into more worry when I winced in pain as his delicate finger brushed along the bruise. "Patrick, what happened?" he asked again when I didn't answer. I sighed defeated and sat down at the edge of my bed scared of his reaction. I pulled him down on the bed and held his hands "Well," I started off and began to tell him everything that had happened since I walked into the bar.

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