Chapter 11 - Patrick's POV

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I got scared when I saw Tom's face turn from that beautiful smile to an angry face. I was afraid that Tom would do something to Michael or me. I know he would never hit anyone but it was still terrifying to see how fast his mood changed just by looking at someone. I took a deep breath before I decided to speak up. However, right when I opened my mouth Tom turned to me and spoke first "Who the hell is that?" he said in an angry and upset tone "Why do you even care?" I asked calmly as I looked at him sadly "Just tell me who the fuck you have been sleeping with behind my back?!" he yelled angrily and that is where I got mad "Don't fucking dare you say that to me. You have no right to say that! First of all, I have not been sleeping with anyone other than you. Second of all, you are the only one in this room who is cheating on someone. Third of all, even if I was sleeping with him it is none of your fucking business!" I said angrily and Tom was silent for a few moments, I never lose my temper. He has never seen me like this. Not even Michael has seen me like this. I never yell at anyone, but Tom just got me so angry by saying that. "How is it not my business?! We are fucking together!" he yelled angrily "Oh, so I should go tell Marion that you are cheating on her? Since you guys are together it is her business?" I asked sarcastically starting to get annoyed again "Would you shut up about that?! I'm doing it for me. For you. For us!" He said in anger and I saw his fist tighten which got me slightly scared, but it didn't stop me from saying the next thing I said "What? Did you want me to have sex with you in your bed then you trust me with a key to your place when you are on a trip then go over there with him, and not only that but go to your bedroom and ask him?" I asked with sadness in my eyes and I couldn't help the tears that started to form in my eyes "What? What the hell are you talking about?" He said with confusion but I could tell he was still angry "She told me. Marion told me how you proposed," I said sadly and I couldn't hold back the tear that fell down each of my cheeks slowly. 
I saw his face soften slightly but I could tell he was still a bit angry. At least his hands weren't in fists anymore though. That was something. I let out a shaky breath scared of what he might say next. "Patrick, I'm sorry I did that, but this isn't about Marion," he said softly and looked me in the eyes, "I thought you had more respect for me than that though," I said quietly and kept on sniffling as tears kept falling down my cheeks and I couldn't stop them anymore "I do," he replied but I didn't believe him. "Then tell me how was that respectful?" I asked calmly and sadly "Oh my god! Would you shut up about that?!" He yelled angrily and I could tell he was about to say more but Michael spoke up before Tom could add to what he was saying "Don't talk to him like that!" when Michael was mad it could get scary. He would never hit anyone, and he is a very kind person. However, if you pissed me off in a certain way he would yell at you and when he yells it can get pretty scary. Luckily for me, he never yelled at me in a scary way. The only time he yelled at me was when we were in our first, and only fight. 

Michael and Tom started to get into a pretty heated fight and I couldn't tell what they were saying because I was huddled in the corner with my knees pressed to my chest scared and not able to breathe. I tried to get my breathing back to normal, but I couldn't. Their fighting was making me remember that my parents always fought when I was little. But the memory I was remembering was the fight that made them leave each other. 


I was a ten-year-old boy sitting in my bedroom at my desk attempting to draw one of my friends. It was hard to do, especially because the picture he gave me as a reference was a bit blurry. The reason why I was drawing him was that I was telling him that I loved drawing and wanted to become a better artist and was telling him I needed to practice drawing people so he gave me a picture of him saying I could draw him if I would like. I was immediately delighted with it and started drawing as soon as I got home from school. 

After a bit of drawing, I was getting hungry so I got off my chair and was about to make my way to the living room where my mum and dad would be but then I started to hear loud noises. It sounded like shouting which got me scared. I hated loud noises. I wanted to make sure they were okay but I was too scared to open the door and go to them. I got in my bed and hid under the covers scared as the shouting got louder and I was able to hear what they were saying. "Would you shut up you fucking whore?!" I could hear my dad yell angrily at my mother who was crying "You're the one who is a fucking cheater!" she yelled back at him through her sobs "I said I was sorry! You also cheated and whoever the guy who knocked you up was got you pregnant!" he yelled in so much anger and then I noticed my mother stayed silent and I could hear footsteps coming to my room and before I knew it my dad was in my room and was packing a suitcase with my clothes and art supplies "dad? What are you doing?" I asked through sniffles "baby come here," he said and opened his arms and I quickly scurried out of bed and ran into his warm arms that I always felt safe in "you and I have to go on a little trip, okay? There will be so many beautiful landscapes there and there is a beautiful museum there, and a beach that you would just love so much," he said with a smile as he held me and kept packing my suitcase "really?!?!" I asked excitedly not really knowing what was going on "Yeah, let's go," he said with a smile and stood up with me in his arms and went to the car with two suitcases. I'm guessing he packed his earlier but I noticed my mum was sitting on the couch crying 

End of flashback 

I started to breathe more heavily and held onto the necklace as more sobs left my mouth and I was confused when I got picked up by someone and was wrapped into their arms. I didn't even look at his face and I knew it was Michael. I was able to hear Tom following us into the living room and when Michael plopped down onto the couch with me snuggled into his strong arms, Tom sat right down beside us. "Baby, what's the matter?" they both said at the same time and when I moved my head up to look at them with teary eyes I noticed they both glared at each other before turning their heads to look at me again. "F-fighting," I stuttered out and I knew Michael would know exactly what I meant and know what happened since he knows about my parents. Tom, however, did not know. 

Michael was able to calm me down and I knew now I was going to have to tell Tom about my anxiety and the panic attacks. I wiped the tears off of my tear-stained cheeks and took in a deep breath and slowly let it out. "Patrick, what was that?" Tom asked with concern laced in his voice "I have anxiety and I get panic attacks," I said softly and sadly avoiding eye contact with the boy who I used to sneak around with "Oh Patrick, I'm so sorry," I heard him respond and rubbed my hand in a comforting way. 

We all stayed silent for a while until Tom eventually spoke up "Patrick, I know this probably isn't the right time, but who is this?" he asked softly and I slowly took in a deep breath and exhaled knowing I had to tell him

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