Only Dark Cyan.

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Blue, everything the man saw was blue. The color urged him to open his eyes and remove the jade shade that stained his eyelids. He groggily did so with a loud groan before he pushed himself up with his palms. His whole body ached with pain, the position he fell asleep in having been absolutely horrible. He could feel a big indent burning into his now red cheek. The palms that were previously placed face down onto his desk were now balled up into fists and raised high above his head as he let out a deep yawn.

The male hadn't made it home and instead unintentionally fallen asleep in his office once his work was finished. Another groan bounced off the gray and brown ceramic walls as he realized he had fallen asleep with his pen still in hand and had gotten the dark liquid on himself and his desk. It was unlike him to make such of mess of himself. But it's presumably what a lack of sleep can do to this man. He stood from his seat and grabbed a handkerchief from his drawer, cleaned up the spill then tossed the cloth into a bin. He had however neatly stacked all his work papers the previous night. So they were ready to be turned in at the end of the month. Lucky him...

Al Haitham's eyes tried to flutter close as he lightly shut his front door behind him, the door not even closing all the way. Fatigue consumed his whole being and it seemed that nothing was about to wake him up in the slightest. He found himself stumbling his way across his wood paneled floor, wanting nothing more than to lay down. His bag of books were released from his shoulder as he reached for the green cushion. He immediately fell down onto it, sinking in and letting out a sigh. Nothing could feel better than this he thought to himself.

The gray haired male nearly immediately passed out the moment his head touched the cushion. Not a care about anything else besides finally sleeping. This brought a small grin to his senior's face who had walked out into the living space at the sound of the front door.

The blonde shook his head at the sight of their door swaying a bit from the outside wind. He walked over and shut it tightly, sliding the lock on. He then walked his way into the kitchen, the the light green and white marbled backwash burning the male's eyes. He shook his head with a bit of disgust evident on his face, maybe one day Al Haitiam wouldn't be such a prick and would allow the older to redo their house...

Kaveh was invited to stay in the home with Alhaitham after the building was purchased and furnished. If invited prior he would have immediately offered his design advice. Not completely sold on the idea that his roommate would have even taken the advice seeing as how he wouldn't now. Despite Kaveh feeling it was very clear that Alhaitham's choice in curtains was ugly. The choice in yellow found in the glass windows wasn't the prettiest either. The blue and green colors found in the windows and carpet for the most part were fine. The house wasn't a total eyesore.

It's just in a way he wished he could make it feel more like a home rather than a house.

Walking past the marble backwash and to the white door-less cabinets, he reached up and grabbed two glasses. One he filled with water, another filled with a thick red liquid; a favorite whine of his.

He walked over to his junior and placed down the glass of water on the table next to him. Then gently reached out and touched the male's forehead with the back of his hand. Not warm thankfully. If the scribe were to take care of himself now then he should be fine and shouldn't have the chance of becoming ill. Once Kaveh's worries were put down he lifted his own glass to his lips, the cold glass made the warm wine more enjoyable. He hummed and wiped his lips with the back of his hand before spinning on the heels of his white flats and heading towards his little desk.

His corner was so unorganized compared to the rest of the house. It was constantly covered in papers, fabric, jewelry and pens. He worked in waves, always bouncing from project to project. Anything to keep himself entertained. He took a seat in his little chair, tossing his two red wings of fabric behind him, letting them fold and twist amongst the back of his seat. He picked up a black pen from the mess that was laid before him, placing the back end into his mouth and lightly nibbling. His younger, if awake, would have chided him for his actions. Carrying on to him about sanitation and how he wouldn't buy Kaveh more, no matter how much the later begged.

He grabbed an empty page and placed in front of him, removed the pen from his teeth and placed the ink filled til to the pure white. Thick ink flooded the page, line after line Kaveh put down. His ruler a wreck of different colors, but surprisingly still perfectly straight and intact.

Line after line, the click clack of the clock ticking and ticking passed. The blonde hummed to himself as he worked. No serious plan for what the building he was drawing up was, but it passed the time. It seems all he was doing recently was passing the time.

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