Beau Green

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After a few hours passed Al Haitham sat up and rubbed his eyes, his body craved the idea of falling back into his own subconscious but his mind was awake; so now he would stay awake. He let out a small yawn before looking down at himself. Remembering his previous awakening, the condition of his once sparkly gold and cyan clothing now reduced to its smudgey black state. He let out a groan before pushing himself up from his position on the light green couch and onto his feet.

His gray hair now appeared completely disheveled, rather than hair covering one eye both were hidden. He subconsciously questioned if his roommate had taken his unconscious state as an opportunity and had plucked his eyes out.

He blew hot air from his lips, momentarily allowing his strands of hair to float up like little feathers on a bird who was preparing to take flight. The scribe's hair quickly fell back down, sucking away his vision with it. He reached his pale hands up, tucking as much as he could behind his ears. A few gray strands stayed loose in front of his face, but no where near enough to block any of his vision. They were merely little webs that framed his nose.

"Someone sure needs a hair cut. I have a good pair of kitchen scissors, I'd gladly do it." I was greeted by a pair of red eyes and mild grin. Kaveh didn't want to give him much time it appears. Not to mention how he sneaks up on him like he does. Sometimes he wished Kaveh had a cat bell attached to him at all times. All Alhaitham saw was a whiny little cat who often slept in the yard. He didn't willingly sleep there, he just had a tendency to not take his key with him.

Alhaitham passed an unapproving look. "You'd make me bald..." He was given an eager nod by his senior and another smile.

"You would look pretty ugly without your hair though... so maybe I wouldn't. Can't imagine what you're going to look like when you're old. Feel bad for whatever lady you marry." Kaveh shook his head back and forth, in this moment he believed he was the funniest person in the world, looking at the funniest looking person. His arms held many splashes of blue paint. Some dry some fresh. A pencil stuck through his blonde hair, looked like it would soon fall out. His previous red attire that was full of jewels was now replaced by a comfortable gray sweater and an apron to keep paint off himself.

Alhaitham passed a glance at the cup on the table, immediately grabbing it and lifting it to his lips. The now room temp water did wonders for him. It hadn't occurred to him how thirsty he actually was. Maybe he really had been working too hard. He took a mental note to hydrate between his stacks of work. Once the glass was empty he pushed it into Kaveh's hands. "My love life would be fine and my hair is perfectly fine. It doesn't need the hands of you touching it." His upper lip curled up and his eyebrows were pulled down. His hands fiddle with the black stains of his own top. "I hope you aren't ruining my floor with your mess."

The blonde's hands went to his own hips. "Anything I do to this house will honestly make it better." His response earned him a far off look from his junior. "Go clean up, you look like shit."

The two males bumped shoulders as they went their separate ways. One heading to their shared bathroom, ridding himself of his stained clothes and the other headed to the kitchen to make a large meal.

Kaveh wanted to make a meal he felt would make his junior feel better, maybe being nice and taking care of him wasn't such a horrible thing. Alhaitham still hadn't eaten even after being told to. He had simply come home and passed out. So Kaveh planned to make enough food to make his roommate stuffed. He needed to eat much more than some measly bites of bread that he had been eating while at work.

The blonde went through all their cabinets and all of their clay pot coolers (a porous outer clay pot that's lined with wet sand containing an inner pot, used to keep food cold) to see what he could make for him and his roommate. He pulled out some fresh beef, some vegetables such as onions, garlic, carrots, tomatoes and celery. He planned on preparing a large amount of fattah. He also grabbed a few spices, some mastic gum, ghee, and short grained rice for the dish. For the sauce he pulled out red sauce and some white sauce for their pita bread and rice.

He got the food going, making sure to sprinkle a pinch of sugar over the beef before starting up the rice. It didn't take long for their kitchen to be flooded with all different sorts of smells. He was sure that Alhaitham would kill him for using so many things, but maybe he would be spared if he knew the intentions behind his actions.

Alhaitham stood in the shower letting warm water soak into his skin. He let out a breathy sigh, enjoying how the water felt on his tight back. He began humming to himself, a habit of sorts. It helped him think, the complete silence of his office was enough to drive anyone mad. Despite having been deaf most his life, he was desperate to hear sound at all times. It reassured him in a way. He scrubbed his grey hair clean, ridding himself of the sweat Sumeru's sun had given him. Once he was sure all the ink was off his body he stepped out, drying himself off and wrapping a towel around his waist.

He made his way out of the bathroom, water dripped from his hair onto the floor. "Look at you ruining your own floor." The blonde called from his own desk that was stationed a few feet away from Alhaitham. Alhaitham walked over to his roommate giving him a hard poke to the head. The grey head started looking at Kaveh's work. He noticed all the new materials he owned and how his penwork had changed. The blonde was working on not a building but a photo of a man. One that had a single large blue wing protruding from his back, hues of reds and yellows filled in behind him. There were specks of gold flakes that covered the man's clothing.

"Where did you get all these markers? Are you out spending my money again?" Alhaitham groaned, picking up a green marker to examine it. His roommate reached up taking the marker back and sitting it down on the desk.

"I didn't touch any of your money, mr. This was all bought from my money." Kaveh replied, briefly passing his roommate a glance, his words gained him the cock of an eyebrow from Al Haitham. "My work has been finally taking off. You listened to me yesterday right? Maybe soon I'll have enough to pay you back for everything and to pay for my own place." The blonde boosted, clearly proud of himself.

"Enough to pay for your own place?" Haitham leaned against the wall looking at his senior with a bit of confusion on his face. The reaction brought a smile to Kaveh's face. The expressions didn't last long as Kaveh soon hopped out of his chair rushing into the kitchen to check on his rice.

"Enough for my own place."

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