chapter 1

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august orian, the ceo of an engineer company. she enjoyed work everyday and had a simple routine.  go to gym at 5am, arrive at work at 6am, have her coffee till 6:15 and grind for the rest of the day.  there was no room for funny business in her life, some people considered her a cold person. there was no time for love in her life.

one morning august found a file on her desk, offering a partnership in a building project. the interesting part was, the ceo of the company offering this partnership has history with august. she never engaged with this company but watched it grow from a distance.  august sat by her desk contemplating her decision forward. "Alice!" august called for her secretary. she came in running "yes ms" august handed her the file "set a lunch meeting with this company

lunch approached sooner than august expected, she sat in the boardroom waiting. then the door finally open and a woman walked in "if i knew you were going to respond so fast i would have sent a project request long ago" the woman laughed sitting down next to across august. "afternoon ms quil" august respond "shall we begin?" ms quil nodded. after discussing everything august asked coldly "what's your true intention behind this project emilia?" seeing emilia brought back so many painful memories august stored deep in her heart from her high school day's. she wanted to believe emilia had good intentions but couldn't, emilia wasn't so innocent and sweet. emilia smiled confused "there is no intention august" august chuckled "after 10 years you decided to contact me?" even though she never trusted emilia she did have a part of her that missed her but couldn't admit it "you are the one who said we should have a collab business wise when we finished high school august" august sighed "yeah of course, apologise for interrogating.... i'll get back to you after the proposal is reviewed" emilia smiled "thank you" then left after shaking august's hand 

the following week the project was on but august didn't bother attending the building site. work was the excuse. she kept busy for weeks after her meeting with ms quil, while emilia visited the building site everyday hoping to bump into had been 10 years and finally emilia missed augusts company, she missed highschool august and had been watching her from a distance.

after her tiering visits to the site everyday august finally decided to pay a visit. ms quil was internally melting with excitement but had to keep it professional. "good morning quil" august gazed down at Emilia with her siren eyes, quil smiled slightly "you've been missed on this project orian. why the sudden visit?" august chuckled slightly "shall we discuss this somewhere warmer" the cold outside from the winter season lead them both to the onsite office to discuss any updates. it was quite small and tight, august followed behind emilia to a desk where all the plans laid then sat down beside the desk. while emilia began updating her on everything august couldn't resist the urge to admire emilia forgetting about what she was saying. her beautiful earrings complemented her skin, her soft lips and pretty eyes. "august!" emilia interrupted her train of thought "are you listening?" august shifted her gaze away and cleared her throat "yeah of course em" "okay well what do you think? all good?" august nodded "it's good i guess" "look me in my eyes august. you know i prefer eye contact in serious conversations" emilia sighed. august lifted her gaze slowly without saying a word. struggling to keep her cool emilia smiled and said softly "better" then there was a moment of silence. not an awkward on but one filled with tension, august slightly clenched her jaw then her phone rang. she picked it up, heading out the door. emilia took a deep breath then received a text message "thank you for the update, i'll drop by again next week em" she smiled at her phone "this time i won't make the same mistake" she whispered.once august returned to her office she sat in her chair subconsciously thinking about emilia. she was falling for her again, but august thought that was too risky for her heart.


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