chapter 6

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emilia stood at chase's door step knocking. chased opened the door and he's face lit up "hey you and is that wine i see you holding" emilia laughed "indeed chase, now invite me in" "ofc ofc come in" chase said moving out of the door way. he took the wine and went went to the kitchen, emilia followed. she sat by the island "chase i'm ready to talk" chase nodded with a serious expression and sat down next to her "okay i'm listen" he said "okay so you remember what you asked me that night... i have my answer. i enjoy our joyful moments, you brought light into my life this year..." chase smiled listening to every word she said hoping it had a positive outcome "but there was already someone who had my heart by that time, in another life time i would have certainly fallen for you but in this lifetime i can only see us as friends. i appreciate you too much to just be strangers but not romantically enough to love you...i'm sorry and will understand if you wish to never see me again" chase stayed quiet. the pain was clear in his eyes "okay...uh right person wrong time i guess, thank you for being honest with me emilia and giving such spectacular moments. hopefully the chase's in all the other lifetimes win you over first" he smiled "but we can't be friends, i'll be in love with you the for forever so this is goodbye emilia quil" they both stood up and hugged for a moment "i'll miss you chase but i understand so goodbye" emilia left after that but chase kept the wine as a goodbye gift 

next on her list was finding august, which wouldn't be to hard. she called august and she picked up instantly "hello pretty" august greeted. emilia blushed "clear your schedule i'm coming to pick you up, you'll be the passenger princess today" emilia was finally ready and in a good place to express her feelings to august "okay but get here as fast as you can, can't wait to see you" august said joyfully "yes ma'am" emilia joked before driving off. when she reached august's office she was already standing outside waiting "you looked cute waiting for me like that" emilia teased when she entered the car "it's my job as the passenger princess em" august laughed "so where are we going?" august asked excited "can you swim?" emilia asked cheeky "hmm yeah but why?" august asked confused "you'll see" emilia smiled staring the car "i drive like a man so you might want to belt" they drove for a long time then eventually august saw the sea and she guessed the beach was the destination but it wasn't. 

once they parked the car emilia blindfolded august "i hope this is not a prank darling" august said reaching for emilia. emilia laughed at how funny august looked and how she was walking when she guided august "we'll see august, now stop talking" august kept quiet bc she wanted to hear her surroundings. all she could hear was waves crashing and birds flying around then she heard the wooden planks they started walking on. august smiled, she didn't want to ruin the surprise. it was too cute to do so and she loved that emilia was holding her hand. she always admired her soft hands, she also loved that emilia's nails were always done. she found it hot, cute and sexy at the same time " okay we are here. watch your step" emilia said taking her other hand then guiding her up some steps. when they came to a stop august felt emilia's hands on her face "i love it when you touch me" august muttered softly. emilia stayed quiet and blushed with a big smile but she had to stay focused. she removed the blindfolds. her heart stopped while looking into august's eye's. august's gaze lifted from emilia's eye's, she began exploring with her eye's "a yacht..i love it, i get to be alone with you the whole day" august smiled looking back at emilia. she then placed her hand around emilia's waist "show me around captain" "can i kiss you first" emilia blurted out making august chuckle "anything for you" august said connecting her lips with emilia's. emilia felt weak in august's arms, completely at august's mercy but she intended on taking control today "let's stop before we go further august" emilia said catching her breath "you sure?" august teased looking at her lips, pulling her closer by waist. there was no distance between her lips and emilia's lips "are you 100% sure?" emilia started breathing heavy and august could see it "mhm" emilia could barely utter a single word "should i let go of you?" august asked seductively once again. this time emilia was fighting not kiss august and take it further so she just nodded but august didn't accept that as an answer "use your words princess" "yes.."emilia muttered but august wanted more "yes what?" "yes please august" "good girl" august said smirking while releasing emilia. 

once they changed into swim wear august's eye's were glued to emilia's body. she was wearing a bikini that revealed a bit more than expected, only bc she was that comfortable with august. she would never wear this bikini in front of anyone else. august kept touching emilia and emilia loved the affect she had on august. on the other hand august never liked wearing bikini's so her go to was always shorts with a but she did wear a bikini bra. emilia was still obsessed with august's body but she also love how masculine she dressed. she just wanted to be held by august 24/7. august was in charge of controlling the boat out into sea, far away from people. emilia just kept her company. once the boat came to a stop they both went swimming in the sea then went back on the boat to make lunch, this time they cooked together.

after eating they just sat together in the lounge when august decided to take her chances again "why are you sitting so far" august said even though emilia was right next to her but that's not where she wanted her. emilia looked confused then august tapped her lap with her hand "sit here instead" august smirked. emilia didn't question her, she just did as told "not like that" august said turning her to face august "i know what you're doing and it's not going to work" emilia laughed cupping august's face with her hands. "oh really, is that a challenge" august smirked grabbing emilia with one arm around her waist and one on her thigh. august pulled emilia closer. 


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2023 ⏰

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